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[X-7 to the concert]

I saw, that there are over twenty concerts the next time. Are you stressed? I mean I know about your problems being on stage and the other stuff, I can't deny that, I guess, my best friend (and the rest of the world of course, too) wouldn't stop talking about it, when the tour had been cancelled. - If you don't wanna talk about it, it's okay, though.

I interpret your words as a sign of belief?
Well, for now, I'm good. I took the time I needed, and now, I really feel stronger and more safe. We've organized the tour that way, that I can visit my family and friends at home regularly, and I am working still on my panic-attacks. It's getting better.

I'm really glad, to hear this.
And I wish, I could tell you, how happy you make many people, that you do this tour either way. I can't imagine the pressure, you're being exposed.
I loved your last YouTube-Video by the way. It was great, how you processed everything you were going through the last years.

Thank you ❤️
I wanted something honest.
And I had to heal from heartbreak. That's really not easy. But music...

... music is the best way, to deal with heartbreak, isn't it?

Yes, exactly. ....You sound like you're having experience in that field, too.

...That reminds me of something, I once said to you.

Right, it was, when we talked about studying and my job. You thought, I was gonna take a gap year.

Somehow, I was right, wasn't I?

Yeah, you were. But do I interpret your words as the wish, to change the topic? I mean, I didn't want to talk about it the last time, and I could totally understand it, if you don't want to talk about heartbreak and that stuff.

No no, everything's fine. I'm totally over it. It is now over a year gone.

It can hurt although.

It does. Sometimes. But it's getting better. As you said. It's time...

... and music.


So, you have had also a heartbreak a while ago. I have to say, I'm a little bit shocked, that you didn't find someone new, yet.

I never said anything about that! But you're right even though. At the moment, I am single.

"You don't know, how I am looking", I remind him. "Maybe, I look awful."

I don't think so. You could never look awful.

I'm flushing now.

You don't have to. Your soul seems to be so beautiful, that you can't be not beautiful outside, too.

Now my cheeks are burning.


... [types]

I'm feeling really sad for you, right now. Thinking of all the things, people comment on your private life. The way, they judge over your relation-ships, the way, they wish you the best, but ignore what's best for you. All that social-media-stuff.

It's not easy sometimes, yes. But they are my fans. And I'm trying to connect with them.


Sometimes. During the break-up it was really difficult to find the balance.
Do you have any social-media accounts?

Yes, I have. But luckily, there was no media, that followed every step I took and every post I made.

Do you have Instagram?

Yes, I have. But I'm not using it much.

Will you tell me your username?

Of course not. 🙄

You're seriously not telling me your name, until we met, don't you?

Yes. It's just...

You're careful.

No, I was going to say, it is a little bit fun.

You won't describe me how you look like, too, will you?

No, no, that wouldn't be fun. And you know: "Beautiful on the inside and the outside."

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