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My phone calls right when I'm at that point to throw it against a wall or out of the window of the hotel room. (I'm still in Toronto by the way. The next train I could catch is tomorrow evening.) The whole Shawn-and-Amy-Situation excalated that quick, that I now have the feeling, that I'm sitting on a boat that is way too little for the big river it is swimming on. Like a nutshell that is moved by the river to the big near waterfall. I tell you: That's not a good feeling. I would really feel better if I had a parachute or if I wouldn't even be sitting in that boat. But well. Now that I am, I really need to find a solution for this big Shawn-and-Amy-problem I am exposed at the moment to. My phone continues ringing, and with an annoyed sigh I look at it. I can't belive who's calling, so I take up the phone slowly, very slowly. "Hello?"

"Hey, it's Aaliyah. Aaliyah Mendes. You remember me?"

"Hey, yeah, of course. How are you?"

"I have a little problem", Aaliyah sounds stressed. "I was shopping right around the corner and fans and paparazzi did come out of nowhere. My bodyguard was separated from me, and therefore I am now hiding in a shop behind some very big and very ugly dresses. I did call him several times, but he doesn't pick up the phone. I remembered you mentioning, that you were staying a little bit longer in Toronto, so..." She all said it hastily and with a kinda anxcious tone in her voice. While listening to her I take my coat, scarf and hat and my car keys. „I'm on my way."


"That was really a close thing", Aaliyah says and we're leaning against the wall behind us breathing a bit hectically. Gosh I'd not expect something like this when Shawns sister called. I'm still trying to catch my breath after this fast kinda parcouring run we've behind us. "These people are really crazy."

Aaliyah grins. "Well hell yeah, this is what we call hardcore fans."

"Guess they are to the core hard in love with Shawn and they think you can couple them with him."

"Yeah, all of them."

We look at each other and burst out into laughter. Slowly I am getting more air. "Well, they are gone now, aren't they?"

We look around the corner and relieved I can see that there are no crying and shouting teenagers and no paparazzi either. Glad to (not) see. A bit more relaxed but still very attentive we cross the street to get into a little café. When we've ordered our capuccinos and each a slice of cake, we sit down in a corner (to avoid the next situation like before).

Now that we're sitting, a strange pause is getting in and I am totally aware of the cringeness of the whole situation. I'm still trying to figure out how to come up with the topic of "I am not writing any fanfiction" when I realize, that I have to be totally honest with Aaliyah or she'd never believe me. Even though she seems to trust me that far, that she even called me to help her out of this situation earlier, she is the brother of Shawn Mendes a superstar and she'd probably get the suspiciousness soaked up with her mother milk or so. I breath in deeply, tighten my grip around the handle of my cup and then open my mouth to talk. "Look, I know, that you think, I'm totally in love with your brother, and that I'm totally crazy for him, and that I'm crazy and stubborn for writing these fanfictions, and that I would use everything you say for my stories, but I promise, I promise you, that I won't ever do that. I know, you don't really trust me, but I am saying the truth. ... Do you believe me?"

There's a long silence, then Aaliyah says: "I do believe you."

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