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[🔔 New incoming message (Layla 🧝🏼‍♀️)]
Hey, you know already, what you're gonna wear for the party?

Mandy 🌼
I don't know. Maybe a skirt? Or the black trousers with the fitting colorful happy-socks?

Layla 🧝🏼‍♀️
Ahhhh, you mean the ones with the pink stripes and the oranges and apples on it?!

Mandy 🌼
No, actually, I meant the ones with the vinyls and the green microphones. – Just fitting for a musician party 😂 – Or would it be too much? What do you think?

Layla 🧝🏼‍♀️
I think, they would fit perfect! I just LOVE your happy socks!

Mandy 🌼
I love them too!

[🔔 New incoming message (Eric 🐧)]
Guys, you know what?!

Mandy 🌼

Layla 🧝🏼‍♀️

Geana 🍸💃🏼

Eric 🐧
I had a GREAT idea! – We could go with fitting outfits!!

Lalya 🧝🏼‍♀️
Oh Eric...

Eric 🐧

Layla 🧝🏼‍♀️
You surely mean, that we all wear happy-socks, don't you? ... Cause I don't think, that I will wear one of these T-Shirts you like so much... – And I don't think, that you would fit into my skirt either.

Mandy 🌼
I'd like to stay with my own outfit, too. But thank you, it really made my day imagine Layla in one of your Shirts... xD – But we could do the fitting happy-socks although. Are you'all in?

Geana 🍸💃🏼
Sound's great!

Lalya 🧝🏼‍♀️
So excited!
When do we meet up?

Geana 🍸💃🏼
Isn't it so amazing, that we can go in our first weeks to this artist party?! Imagine, meeting one of the artists! All the great producers and managers and musicians...

Mandy 🌼
Wait. Do you really think, that there will be musicians, too?

Layla 🧝🏼‍♀️
Yeah, why not?!

Geana 🍸💃🏼
I don't think so. They do all have better to do, than to tingle around on some little party at the label. I mean, they have a life, too, haven't they?!

Layla 🧝🏼‍♀️
But it's their job, isn't it? I mean going to such things...

Eric 🐧
Guys, chill! I don't think, that there will be any singer that we know – I mean the tutor did say something like the singers would never come cause it would be annoying for them and they'd more go to the bigger events like the AMAS.

Geana 🍸💃🏼
I don't know if he said annoying, but he definitely did say something about that they don't need that kind of networking anymore, didn't he?

Eric 🐧
Yeah. At least the big singers aren't probably in need of more attention than they already have, aren't they? (*Thinking about wether that's true.*)

Mandy 🌼
Probably true.

Eric 🐧
If we met some tiny cool star, it would be cool of course too, but we can't expect any super-nova to travel around the globe to London to come to a label's party. (It would be amazing either way.)
Let's just have some fun! – And don't forget the socks!

Lalya 🧝🏼‍♀️
Yeah, don't forget the socks!

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