86 8 3

~ or when ~
<<caramel brown eyes meet blue ones>>

I hear fast steps behind me, and a second later, Shawn appears next to me. "Amy and I aren't together, happy or not", he says.

I am totally surprised, but I give my best, to look cool. "Okay. Fine by me."

"To be honest, we stopped even writing with each other." Shawn moves with his hand through his hair. "It didn't feel right. She was a bit... different, as I thought, when we wrote with each other on Wattpad."

"Ah, yeah?" We've reached the house again, and I try to not sound too much relieved and happy about that. "Didn't you two write songs together?"

"We did, but it didn't work out", Shawn says.


He frowns, and suddenly, I am aware of his scanning glaze. "What did you just say?"

"I just said okay", I say. "And now I have to go inside. My mum's waiting for me. And surely I have to clear the driveway later. That was the truth, you know?"

He nods, and I get on my way to the house-door. "See you Sunday." I just did a few steps, then he's by my side, again. I turn around. "What do you want?"

"I promised to accompany you home", he says as it was a fact.

"You just said that to your mum, because you didn't want to fight with me in front of her", I say. We've reached the house-door. "And now go, before my mum sees you, and she asks me what Shawn Mendes does on her veranda, clothed as he comes from California even though, it's almost deepest winter."

"I really don't want you to come Sunday, to the dinner", Shawn repeats not answering on my provocation.

"I know." I say and shrug. "But your mum invited me."

"Yeah, but I uninvite you now."

"You aren't serious", I look at him frowning.

"Of course I am. Why shouldn't I be serious?", Shawn says.

"Because your mum's not gonna be happy, if she finds out, that you desinvited me", I answer.

"You could say, that you're ill", Shawn gives me a small smile, that I give him much more little and cold back. "As you can see, I am in perfect health. So I see you Sunday."

I open the door and I knock of the snow of my shoulders and out off my hair. When I turn around, I see that Shawn didn't move. For a moment, we only stare at each other delivering the best look-duel, you can find in Ontario. His caramel-brown eyes meet my blue ones. (What a cliché!) While looking at him, I register some tiny details, I didn't see before. That he has really long lashes, for example. I don't know how long exactly, we're staring at each other, but finally, he looks away, just a second, before I would've done it. "Good night Mandy", he says.

"Good night Shawn", I answer and close the door behind him. When he's finally gone, I lean against the door, closing my eyes. What a day.

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