<<Your laugh does sound weird>>
~ or when ~

My mother waves at Mandy and then hugs me. "How are you? I'm so happy to see you, come in!"

"I'm fine, thank's mum. Can we talk later? I want to accompany Mandy home."

"Oh yeah, of course! See you later, darling."

I nod only, cause I am already focused on following Mandy, and because I am way to distracted and irritated by the fact of Mandy being here and showing up at my families doorstep. I don't know how to handle this situation - her appearing here is absolutly confusing.


"I can go home, by my own", I say stiff, and I back off. "And I'm already on my way. Bye Karen." I look at Shawn. "Bye."

"Of course you can, but I'm sure, you and Shawn have a lot to talk", Karen beams. "What a coincidence!"

I really don't know, what else to say. Shawn comes closer, so I just talk what comes spontaneously to my mind. "I just remembered, I have to... I have to go, just... somewhere else." I take a few steps, but Shawn is already by my side. "Wherever you go, I come with you. I'd love to take a little walk after the drive from Toronto to here."

I look at Karen. She smiles at both of us, and forms with her mouth "He's such a gentleman". I smile back with a surely kinda tortured smile.
We have gone only a few meters, just as far, that we're out of Karen's sight, when Shawn abruptly stops. "Why are you here?!", he says straightforwardly and tries to grab my arm. I stare at his hand holding my arm that warningly, that he immediately let it go. "I don't know, what your problem is", I snap. "I didn't ask you, to appear here, too, and now, you're here. I didn't know, that my mums new neighbours was the Mendes family until now. But do I say it with that kind of reproach?! No. I didn't know anything about your family until now, and to be honest, it didn't interest me even a bit."

"You're lying", Shawn shakes his head. "All you ever tell is lies." He breaths in. "I just can't get over the fact, that you spoke to my mum. Were you in the house? Did you see anything good for your little fanfiction? Any inspiration? Oh my gosh, were you at least in my room? I mean, that has to be the most interesting place in the world for someone like you."

Now, it's enough. I take a step in his direction, so I can look him directly in the eyes. "Never."


"Never ever call me a liar again, Mendes. I may not always say the truth, but who does that?! And if you have something with your ears, I repeat it: Never ever suppose something like that again. I told you in the elevator already, and I really thought, you would've listened. But due to the impression that you seem to be death: I. Am. Not. Interested. In writing any stuff about you and your family, if you believe me, or not. And now, I will go take a walk, if you like it or not: My mother does now live here, and so I got every right, to be here, too."


"Wait!", he shouts.

"What do you want? Any more reproaches and allegations?", I snap. "I can do without that, very well, thank you."

"No, I just wanted to accompany you."

I have to hide my surprise. Then, I shake my head. "Well, I don't want you to accompany me."

"Too bad, that we have the same way", he says and I think, I can hear a little smile in his voice.
I sigh. "I suppose, I can't prevend you from that. But keep silent."

Now, he smiles for real. "I can do that. But can you?"

I roll my eyes. "Go or stay, Mendes."

He goes a little bit faster, to go by my side, and when we pass my mums new house, I point on it with my finger. "That's my mums house. ...Or rather to say, that it's gonna be the house of her and her to-be-husband."

"She's gonna marry again?"

Shawn sounds a bit surprised, and I bite my lip. Amys parents aren't divorced, so she had to make up some kind of story, that they are now back together, cause Shawn and I once wrote about my moving from England, Suffolk to Canada. Shawn misinterprets my silence, cause he says: "I'm sorry, I didn't want to offend you. Sometimes, I am just too curious, I guess."

"No, no, it's okay. Yeah, my parents are divorced", I weight every word up. "But that's some years ago. And I'm living on my own, right now, so..."

"But it can hurt, although."

"Yes, you're right." A snowflake streaks my cheek, and I look up to the sky. Suddenly thousands of snowflakes fall down from the sky. "The white gold", Shawn says when he sees my look and smiles.

"Some people call it, the white devil, too", I comment, and Shawn laughs. I see around, wondering, if it was really me, making Shawn Mendes laugh. He looks at me. "What?"

"Nothing." I shrug. "I was just wondering if your laugh always sounds that weird."

"What the... ?" He stares at me. "Are you serious?! My laugh doesn't sound weird!"

"It does, to me. It has to be because you never laugh when I'm around."

Shawn keeps silent for a moment, then he says: "You just don't give me a lot of reasons to laugh, I guess."

"Yeah, because I'm the dumb bitch, that writes this fanfiction stuff."

"I never called you a bitch."

"You know what?" I stop and look at him. It has darkened, so I can see his face only barely. In the light of the lanterns, which turned on, now thousands of snoflakes dance down to earth. Kinda beautiful and kinda sad at the same time. "You're right. I'm a dumb bitch." I continue walking. "I'm a dumb bitch, because I thought, you would know the truth, when you see it. I'm a dumb bitch, because I'm still trying to persuate you, that I'm not the person, you're thinking. After weeks. Months. I'm such a dumb bitch, that I can't repeat saying it." I stop again. "I really just hope, that you and Amy are happy together."

"You're not a dumb bitch", he says. "You're..."

"I am a girl, that trusted her best friend and was disappointed, I'm a girl, that thought, Shawn Mendes was a nice, cool guy, who would never gonna judge people because of what other people say about them. But I was wrong, okay? I see that. No need, to remind me of that everytime, we meet somewhere." I make a turn and pilot my mums house.

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