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It's still November, and the scene with Shawn and the whole weird and kinda sad situation in Pickering is some weeks ago. I'm really happy with have been able to start my new studies that fast. Did I already tell you more about what I study now? No? Well, so then it's time.
I'm studying music-business now. You know - that thing, where you learn, how to manage singers – or want-to-be-singers. But that's not the only thing. You learn also a lot about producing music – your own music – and you have a lot of fun figuring out, what will happen next in them music-industry, and which little spark will develop into a fire and who will get which awards. It's kinda really fun actually. And do you know what is kinda nice actually, too? That I'm having the feeling that I'm getting better - that I'm getting over this whole Shawn-Mendes-thing. - I am writing more and better songs than ever, and I'm putting all my feelings in them. The other people I am studying with and I'm getting friends with are all like "Where do you get your inspiration from?!", and all I say in situations like this is: "It's about finding and losing people in your life. Something, that happened recently a lot to me."

So, if you're asking either about what is going with Connor and me, than I have to go back into the past a bit to explain where we stand now. Cause you know – a lot happened the last weeks – unbelievable to be honest how much can happen in such a few time.


Entry in Mandy's songbook – Project for the songwriting-course


Moving on is so hard,
when I see your face everywhere.
- I litterally see his face everywhere.
I can't avoid it
And I can't avoid staring at this face. (Uh, hm, uh, hm.)
(Your face - his face)


Your caramel-brown eyes
(ice, oh you melt my ice,
all away,
you took my walls,
all away,
you broke them down,
you broke me,
You broke me,
yeah you broke me,
These caramel-brown eyes. (His eyes)
This smile. (His smile)

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