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I go upstairs, have a look in the room my mother gave me in her new house. It is right next to the guest-room. I open the door, and I am very positively surprised. It's a really cute and proper room with checked curtains, a comfortable bed, and a fitting white carpet. At the one wall is a bookshelf, filled with some of the books, I left in the old house, and on the other side is a record player, together with my collection of vinyls – and as much important: my piano. It's a wooden, old piano, with a wonderful warm, harmonic sound, golden pedals and a shimmering white polished keyboard. I couldn't take it with me in my appartement, when I moved out, and I had to buy one of these electric keyboards those sound is more or less good, and that doesn't even make a percent of fun as playing that accustic instrument.
I sit down on the chair and play some of the notes I have in my head, since I met Shawn again.
It is kinda crazy, that I constantly wish myself back to the time, where I suddenly had someone, I could share my lyrics and song-ideas with. It was like having a real friend. As I found someone, I could always talk to. In a whole different, non-judging-way than Amy recently did. Shawn just was there for me, even at 4 am in the morning.
I miss this time.
I look outside while playing the melody that is stuck in my head. While the snow is getting more and more, the light of the lantern is getting more and more to a a blurry yellow light.
It's really developping into a snowstorm. Probably I have to shovel the driveway later again.

"I like it, when you're playing. I really miss it when you're not here", my mum says just then when I'm playing the last notes. I turn around. She's standing in the door, looking melancholic. "I did leave you a space for your guitar, right there in the corner", she smiles. "If you want to bring it with you the next time, you're here."

"Thank you, mum." I smile back. "It's a really pretty room, and a really nice house." I stop playing and look on my hands laying on the keyboard. "I have to apologize mum. I left the house earlier this day, without telling you how much I am happy for you. I am really glad that you found someone new you can love. And I am really glad, that you found a place, you can call a home. It's really wonderful here."

"Oh darling", my mum comes straight up to me and offers me a hug. I stand up and hug her. "I love you, mum."

"I love you too, honey."

When we leave our hug, I look outside again. "Holy shit. I have clear the driveway, again."

"I could help you", my mum offers, and I grin. "No, thank you. It's not necessairy, that two of us get a cold ass."

"Watch your mouth, Mandy, I didn't educated you talking like that", my mum says mocked serious. "As long, as you log your smartphone into my Wireless local area network, ..." "Yes, yes, mum", I say and roll my eyes jokingly. "I'm going outside - to be later, byyyeee. Love you."

"Love you, too. Don't catch a cold!"

"Don't worry, I have a pullover - you remember?" I point on Shawns pullover, that's still on the chair where I left it. I grab it and pull it over, while going to the house-door. Then I have to hold on. The pullover is as cozy as I thought, and it is as warm as I expected, but what I didn't expect, was the smell and the incredible feeling of nearness, I suddenly feel.
I look in the mirroir, and I'm surprised for the second time in a row. The pullover's colours fit perfectly with my eyes and my dark hair. I don't know how and why, but Shawn seems to have given me the fitting pullover intentionally. When I open the door, the cold gets immediatley inside.
And Shawn was right again. I didn't have had something that warm with me – cause when I stepped into the train, I didn't expect a snowstorm. – So this pullover was gonna protect me.

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