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[🔔 Connor wrote you a new message ⤵️]

Did you read the news?

What news?

Dude. The news.


*Wants to slay you.* The news. About you and the girl you've been walking around.

Ah yeah. That girl.

Dude? What's going on? You didn't answer for days. Everything okay? You want me to come over the sea to England to help you get rid of a girl you've started something with and now can't call it off? xD

Uhm. No. Actually, it is a girl I don't want to ever get rid off, but thank's for asking.

That sound's serious.
It's not like it would have been fun for me to ask.

And it's not like I would ask you to ask me.

That's getting complicated.
But you really could tell me what is going on over there. I mean tour's going on in two days, and you've barely called anyone. Even your mother asked me if everything were alright – and I thought you were calling twice a week. ... Wait, until she read the news.

Chill. I'm gonna explain it all to you when I'm back in Canada. ... Is it still snowing over there?

More than ever. You can be happy if your plane's landing on time - if it's able to land and you're not entering America by arriving in the States. Long Island airport should be nice I've heard.

Thx man. I'm looking forward to it. 🙄😂

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