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"Hey dude, what's up?" I look at my best friend, and I am surprised but also happy to see that a bright smile is entering his face. "Great, thank's. How are you?"

"I'm fine, thank you", I answer, way to curious to talk about the serious matters that are keeping me awake at night at the moment. The talk I had with Mandy in the elevator is not getting out of my head. The way she shouted: "YOU did to ME!", really made me thinking, what really happened between Amy and her. And it made me also think about how unpolite I had been against her. I thought, she deserved it, and I still think it somehow. Somehow.
But that is not the only thing, that keeps me awake at night (besides the lights of Toronto-downtown). No, it is the fact, that Andrew keeps calling me, and that I still have ten concerts before even thinking about buying the first christmas presents. It's just stressfull at the moment.

So I am happy to see, that at least my best friend seems to be super happy at the moment. Something very exciting must have happened in his life. "So, why are you smiling so much, Con?"
Con's smile's growing. To be honest: It's more a grin. "I've met someone."

"Tell me everything!"

"She's just so... nice and cute and encouraging. She's got something, that wants me to be a better person."

"That's so great to hear Connor!" I grin back. "When can I meet her?"

"I hope soon! You will like her, you will see."

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