1.Is it over?

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Life is hard.Well,literally!

If this university asks me to do one more assignment I am going to drop out.Who am I kidding I won't.Grabbing my favourite coffee from my favourite cafe, I ask Stella,the barista,how her day has been with a smile. She made a face which made me understand it must've been a crazy day just from the beginning of the days.

It must be difficult to be a barista.

Finding a seat near the glass, I sit down and scatter my stuff. Ahh,I am so lucky to find a sit here,by the glass that too on a busy Monday morning. I always like to finish my projects and assignments in this cafe. It is quite and peaceful and the barista is my friend too!

I came here in California last year to finish my undergrad studies. I can't believe I suffered so much and took a 22 hour flight just to suffer more.But I don't completely regret it. I have a better life here, I have friends that I never had in my own country.But still another assignment? It's ridiculous!

This assignment is for my history class.A research about how the life was back then in ancient India.How women were treated and how there were boundaries for man and women,which wasn't supposed to be crossed. I am so glad I was born in this period. I won't be able to survive even one day in ancient era.

After completing a draft of my assignment I decided to head towards my university. It was a 10 minute walk from the cafe and I didn't have much time. I hope I won't be late.

Packing all my stuff I rush towards the exit biding Stella a bye. She chuckles watching me almost trip over and waves towards me. I put my AirPods on and walk while listening to music.

See,this is what I am talking about. There was no AirPods back in the time how will I enjoy my walk without AirPods! I listen to my favourite music as I almost run.

I stop at the crosswalk since it was red light. I start walking when the light turns green. But I should have looked to my side. I should have seen the truck coming towards me. I should have heard the continuous honking of the truck.

But I couldn't hear the sound and when I did notice the truck it was too late. It was too close and I froze on the spot. I couldn't move. It was too sudden and I fell on the road,my vision blurring.All I could hear was the distant yelling of the people around me. People rushing around to gather around me.Is this the end? Is my life over?

Will I never see Mumma and Papa ever again? What about my cat? I had these thoughts until I couldn't think anything nor see anything.Everything went black.

I thought my life was over but only it wasn't.

Oooofff! I can't believe I just wrote a chapter of my own book. I always used to read other peoples story and imagine my own. I can't believe I am putting my imagination into words. Let me know what you think if you can. I don't know when I will update again. I will have to wait for the views hehe. Till then byebye.

𝒀𝒂𝒌𝒔𝒉𝒂 (𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖴𝗇𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝖬𝗂𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗅𝖾)Where stories live. Discover now