7.Getting Married

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Yaksha's POV

"Raja sa is asking for your presence in his chamber, Rajkumari."

Raja sa? Yaksha's father? What happened suddenly? I was just about to begin my search mission. Ugh, why did he had to interrupt me in such crucial moment!
I guess I will just look for him on my way to Raja's chamber and then again my way back here.
"Baisa? Aren't you going?" Meena interrupted my thoughts.

"Yes,yes I am going. You are coming with me right?" I asked with excitement running through my mind. I am going search for him after all!

"Yes of course. I will be accompanying you." Thank god or else I become extremely anxious walking around in the palace while everyone is there, in the broad daylight.

We left my chamber and started walking towards the king's chamber. Not once did I lower my eyes. They were constantly looking for that devilishly handsome face.If I find him which I will of course, I will make him my personal guard. That will make him stay with me 24/7. He looks stud enough to be my protector. Huh who am I kidding he's more than that. I evil laugh eternally.

Disappointed. I am utterly disappointed. All the way from my chamber but I couldn't find him. Is this palace really that big. Should I ask the king then? But what will I tell him and even if I do make some excuses how am I going to describe how he looks. Handsome do I just say that?! Uhhhhh!

Straight face on. I am going to meet the king. This won't do. God knows what he has to say to me. I already feel like I won't like whatever news he has to share.I entered the chamber and greeted him with respect. Meena didn't come with me since he wanted privacy and now we are all alone. I am so scared.

"Come here beta. Sit with me" he asked me in sweet voice. Sometimes I feel like all those stories about kings being a complete stranger to their daughter in those historic books were all lie. This man is just so different.

"You wanted to talk with me baba-sa?" I asked now sitting near him on the edge of the bed.

"Yes I did.How are you feeling now? Is your head all okay? I am sorry for not visiting you as often as I should."See that's exactly what I talking about.

"No! I understand you are busy.Thank you for asking. Meena and Rajeshwari are really taking care with me. Even bua-sa visits me time to time and spends time with him." It's true. They feel like they are my own people. Specially bua-sa. She has been a motherly figure always comforting me, saying I will remember everything eventually. They way they keep me company, takes care of me sometimes I don't even miss my home. *Sometimes*. But I don't think he called me here to only ask about my well-being. So I just kept staring at him to let him say further.

"I wanted to talk to about this matter before all of this happened. But your accident really took a toll on you and then you forgot everything. I didn't wanted  to surprise you such big news all of sudden after such big incident."

I just kept listening to him. I am anxious. He is about to drop some stone on my head right now! I am absolutely sure about that. He continues.

"But it's been so long and I can only keep postponing this matter to some extent. As a king of middle status I have only so much power. Your marriage was fixed when you were born and top of that it's a political decision made by my father. I can't overtake my father's decision.I can't cancel this this proposal nor postpone it anymore. You will have to marry the Sultan Rashid. We have set the date of the marriage ceremony on the end of this month." He said with an expression I couldn't quite read.

I am barely registering what he said. I knew this was inevitable. I know I would be married off to somewhere. Yaksha was twenty after all. Which princess would be this old but not married off. But when I actually I heard about it I couldn't bear the thought. I am barely struggling to adjust here in this palace. I want to say no, deny this marriage but do I have any choice? Am I any place to deny? What would Yaksha do? What if my decision is not something she would like. I am possessing her body after all.

But then I registered. Sultan Rashid? As in a muslim man? But aren't they hindu? Rajputs?

"I understand the marriage part baba-sa but I don't understand the fact that why am I marrying a Muslim Man? A sultan! Aren't they supposed to be our enemies?" I asked rather confused.

"Yes they were in fact our enemies to a certain extent. But this was your grandfather's decision. As a kingdom of middle strength we don't hold much power. Fighting with them constantly wasn't something we could afford. So your grandfather befriended Sultan Ahmed anyhow. But he knew it would be short lived. After he dies the friendship will only hang by a thin thread. So he took a decision together with Sultan Ahmed that the first daughter born in our family will marry their next sultan which is his elder son Rashid. Since the late Sultan Ahmed respected my father,your grandfather very much he accepted the proposal immediately. Then when you were born, the proposal was finalised." He had a serious look on his face but still soft.

"So how old is he?" That's the only thing I could ask. I didn't had enough words. What if he is some old perverted king?!

"Who? Rashid? He's 10 years older than you. He's 30 years old."

"He will keep you happy beta. I have known him since he was a little boy. He saw you once when you were born. I still remember the look of admiration when he held you in his arms. He kept asking when you will grow up." He started again.

Yes of course he would! I was, I mean Yaksha was a little baby! Things are different now! 10 years! Oh my! I think I should be glad he's not 50 but still!!

"Toh baatiye Rajkumari, aapki haa hain na? Aap karegi na sultan se vivaah?"
(So tell me princess, you agree right? You will marry the Sultan right?)

Do I even have a choice ? I will have to agree. Even if I say no then what? I am possessing someone else's body anyway. Now why not make decisions on her behalf as well.

I am leaving everything on fate. It has brought me here, it will take care of me from here on too. Rest in peace my mysterious rooftop handsome man. Maybe we can meet each other in other dimension.

"Ji. Jo aapki marji baba-sa."
(Yes. Whatever you want father)

I am getting married.

My chapters are getting longer!! I am trying really hard to make them longer and I promise they will be more long as I write more. Thank you so much for reading the chapter. Vote and comment if you would like to support!

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