36.Going Back

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Yaksha's POV

"A letter has arrived from Ratangarh begum Sahiba."

Both mine and Meena's head were jerked towards the voice of the attendee who brought the letter in hand. Meena went to hatch the letter from her hands while I looked in the mirror as if almost scared of my reflection.

It's been four days exactly. Four exact days of having the same repetitive dream. With the same disturbing energy which resulted in me getting up all parched and sweating. All those dreams became more difficult to bear because I didn't wake up in his arms. By the time I woke up he would've already left.

But this is good in a sense. Because I don't have to explain to him what was I dreaming about and he wouldn't also know they have become like some regular lo routine. Even my own reflection scared me because my dreams contained me. So whenever I looked at the mirror the dream flashed through my eyes like some kind of movie. Horror movie.

Meena ran towards me with the letter in her hand with the same giddy feeling as mine. It was so nice to finally hear from them.

As soon as I started reading the letter my expression changed from happy to emotional and finally to surprise. What is this sudden news! As if sensing the sudden change in my experience Meena's curiosity peeked asking me what was wrong.

What was wrong? Everything but also nothing.

"Rajeshwari ki vivah tay ho chuki hain."
( The wedding of Rajeshwari has been finalized.)

"What! Really! This is a matter of great happiness indeed! I am so happy baisa! Wait that means we will go home right?!"

Happiness yes. But something about it was suspicious too. The news came out of nowhere. It's as if they fixed it out of nowhere. Or maybe I am just imagining it. But the thought of Rajeshwari finally being settled made me so happy! She deserves nothing but all the love there is out there for her.

"We get to go home right baisa?" Meena shook me out of my trance.

"Huh?I-I don't know. Probably yes."

She jumped in excitement even before I got to finish the sentence. I chuckled seeing her so happy. She must've really missed home. She is only a kid after all.

"When is it? The wedding? Is the date mentioned?"

"Yes. At the end of this month."

"End? End of this month? Oh god baisa we have little to no time to prepare for our departure and everything! Oh! I get to spend my birthday at home too? You won't believe how happy I am baisa! Let me go inform all my friends that I am going to visit Ratangarh!" She hurried out of the chamber giving me no chance to speak.

I was happy.I was. But something inside me told me there was something wrong.Please let my instincts be wrong. But among all of these I get to go back there. The timing is perfect! The constant dreams...I need to know exactly what it is that happened all those months ago. Why was I here after all. And to find out that,I need to go back where it all began.


I voiced out to call an attendee and one came in almost immediately.

"Can you please find out where sultan is and let me know?"

"Ji begum sahiba. I will be right back."

She returned few minutes later "He is in the common ground Begum sahiba,practicing his daily routine."

Common ground? Now where is it?

"Can you please take me there?" I wrapped up the letter as it was leaving it on my dressing table.

𝒀𝒂𝒌𝒔𝒉𝒂 (𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖴𝗇𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝖬𝗂𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗅𝖾)Where stories live. Discover now