chapter 1

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Shri Rukmini Vitthal namah ________

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Shri Rukmini Vitthal namah

In the beautiful forests of vrindavan there was a beautiful village. There lived happy people and animals.

On a beautiful sunny day, a group of girls were sitting under a tree and chatting about the most handsome boy of the village. All were in love with him. Yes you heard it right All were into him.

He was the most beautiful boy. No one could match his handsomeness. He was also very naughty. This is what made him more attractive.  He was dark and had sharp features.  Not only the gopis but also grown women uses to fall for him!.

" so radha....he is very close to you but he actually doesn't give us that attention 🥺. It makes us so sad " a gopi said to radha.

Radha with her proud expression said " maybe he likes me😌😌 " . All the gopis were sad to hear that but it was the reality. He always used to be with radha. Radha was very proud of that. She was very arrogant of this fact that he used to give more attention to her than others. 

" Ok so sakhis I am going to meet him. He actually called me near the river. Maybe he wants to spend some time with me. So I will go. ".
" Ok then let's go together " said one of the gopi.

" No!!!! . Why are you all coming.  He called me only. There is no need of you people there!! . Don't follow me. Let us spend some time together alone. " she said rudely and walked away.

" my mother asked me to fetch water from the river that is why I said that we will go to the river" said the gopi to the group. " " yes mine maiyya also said" said another . So the group of gopis decide to go to the river. Ignoring what the so called leader (radha) said to the girls.

Down the hill flowed a beautiful river Yamuna. On the shore of it were playing some young group of boys.

" Kanha !!!!!" Said the handsome young boy . "Throw the ball here".
" Dau....take it " he threw the ball towards his big brother balram.
Krishn the young handsome boy. He was very famous in his village. Very brave. Every people had heard about the great deeds of this little boy. All these boys were playing peacefully.

" He is only mine!!. That radha cannot have him. He is mine and will remain mine only. I hate it when he gives more attention to that evil radha. " said a girl named viraja to her two friends. They were watching the boys play from far.
So they made a plan to grab krishna's attention.

As the boys were playing, everyone focused on the game. They were so into the game that they didnt pay attention to others.

"Kanhaa!!!!!!.... viraja is not well...pls come and help " one if the friend of viraja shouted from the top of the hill. None of the boys heard it, but krishn. He heard it. He got worried for what happened to his friend. Viraja was also one of his friends. So he said to balram that he will return in a moment and ran up the hill.

Viraja was in a hut. Acting if she was in pain. Krishn reached there. " what happened to her!?? " krishn asked worringly. " we dont know but she is in pain. She is inside the hut" said one of the two gopis. " ok i will see " said krishn and entered the hut. As soon as he entered the girls closed the door from outside.

Krishn came inside and saw viraja on floor. In pain. " oh no.....what happened viraja ?? Whats wrong" he tried to pick her up. He placed her on his knees.

" I am in pain kanhaa!!" She scremaed.

Till that radha reached near the river shore and couldnt find krishn. She searched him everywhere. But he was nowhere seen. Then her eyes caught the girls uphill peeping inside a hut. They were her rivals. She knew something was wrong and thats why she went there.

" whats happening here?"" She screamed to the girls. They were stunned to see her. " umm actully two lovers are having their sweet time inside so we were just guarding them so none of the people like you disturb them " said the girl to radha in an evil tone.

" yes yes, viraja and her lover kanha are having their sweet time so pls go away dont distrub them " said the other one.

Radha fumed like anything. She was burning. She was hella jealous. No this cant happen. Krishn was only her. Krishn only loved her. Atleast this is what she thought.

She pushed the girl aside and kicked the door harshly. The door opened wide and there is it. She saw krishn and viraja is a weird position. She raged.
" radha?" Krishn spoke. Until he speak further radha came towards them and pushed viraja down. 

" you evil lady you tried to take kanha huh" said radha kicking viraja.
Krishn eyes went wide. What was she thinking? Why is she kicking the poor girl? .

" radha stop!!!!. What are doing huh??? " krishn exclaimed trying to stop radha.

" this was her plan ! She is evil I know her. " she then pushed krishn and caught virajas hair. Both the girls started fighting and beating each other.

" stop!!!!!!!!! " screamed krishn. " are you both out of your minds??? What are you both doing??? " .
Viraja - this radha started it. She is jealous that you were with me.
Radha- oh really??? You idiot! I know you ,who you are and what was your intentions.  Krishn is only my friend. Don't try to play evil games to get him.

Krishn was shocked.
Krishn- what are you both talking about. And radha what are you saying. How can you behave like this. I have never seen you like that. I was just helping viraja cause she was in pain .

Radha- help??? In this position.  I know this evil girl did a Black magic on you. And all this was her drama to bring you here.

Viraja- see krishn what is she saying. I am in pain and she kicked me. Are you only her friend??? And not mine. Ok then go. I don't want your help.
Said viraja crying and acting in the perfect way.

Krishna - no, no viraja you are getting it wrong. I am friend of everyone.  Like how radha is my friend you are also. Don't say like that. And radha say sorry to her. You did wrong.

Radha was shocked beyond words. And viraja smirked at her. Radha fumed and  just went out of the hut.

Krishn then consoled viraja and said sorry on behalf of radha.


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