Chapter 19

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In dwarka,
The palace of dwarka was if they were mourning.  The only reason of their sadness was their heartbeat krishn!!

If krishn was sad entire palace was sad.

Balram was sitting in his room....thinking about the situation that they were caught into.
He wanted to help his kanha....but he couldn't.  He was helpless. He also couldn't let krishn do any wrong thing. As a big brother he had the responsibility to guide his small brother on right path. 

He knew krishn wanted rukmini and can get her if they decided to go for a war against vidharbha....but this could further deteriorate their relations.
Vidharba will have forever enmity with dwarka. Dwarka already was enemy of many kingdoms and they didn't want to add more.

And even if they decide to do it.....krishn's image will forever go bad. One mistake will forever change krishn's image as a righteous person. He cannot go and kidnapp a princess of another kingdom. This was ethically and morally wrong.

While balram was in his thoughts Revati entered the room.

While balram was in his thoughts Revati entered the room

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Revati-- Swami......
Balram instantly snapped back from his thoughts.  He turned towards the direction of the voice and smiled....

Balram-- Yes priye??....

Revati-- a brahman has come to meet kanha but kanha is not in the palace at this moment.  I informed the Brahman about that but he is not leaving. He wants to meet kanha I thought maybe you should meet him.....he looks worried.

Balram -- oh....ok then you can call him in...

Revati nodded. The guards then brought the Brahman into balram's room.
The Brahman bowed in front of them .
He looked hesitant .
Balram made him feel comfortable.  They offered him water and food but he denied.

Balram-- I know you want to meet kanha...,,Brahman ji...but he is not available right now. Till that you can make yourself comfortable here. And if you think there is any service for me you can't tell me without hesitating.

The Brahman was first very hesitant to talk about anything but then he decided to say.

Brahman -- maharaj balram I have come from vidharbha to meet dwarkadish....

Balram and Revati looked at each other.

So this Brahman had come from vidharbha?? But why...

Revati-- Vidharbha??

Brahman-- yes maharani...

Balram-- any important news or work can tell us Brahman ji...

Brahman-- actually I have been sent by maharaj get dwarkadish's help...

Balram and Revati got confused..
Revati-- help in what sense?? Can you please elaborate??

Brahman then informed balram and Revati about how the king and queen of vidharbha were fallen into problems. He told entire story of how rukmi the ruler of vidharbha fixed Rukmini's marrige with the evil king shishupal and Bhishmak didn't like it. They wanted krishn's help.

Revati-- Help??? Sorry to interrupt Brahman ji but how can krishn help in this matter?? I mean ....what can he do??

Brahman-- maharaj Bhishmak has sent a letter for dwarkadish.
He hands over the letter to Balram .And with this Brahman leaves.

Balram opens the letter. His expression changes drastically.  He was shocked to read that letter....

Revati-- what is written In that swami??
Balram-- maharaj Bhishmak wants krishn to kidnapp rukmini and marry her!!!....

Revati was shocked....Hella shocked...
What on earth is happening.
A king is asking an other king to kidnapp his Daughter and marry her!!!
She couldn't belive what she heard....she was speechless.

Balram-- I can't belive this!!.... how can he ask kanha to do this....

Revati-- Maybe cause he knows that kanha wants to marry Rukmini so...

Balram-- But why would kanha destroy his image for helping them?? This is a crime ......this is adharma...

And suddenly krishn enter their room.
They both got alerted.

Krishn-- pranipat bhabhima..pranipat Dau..
Krishn bows in front of them.

Revati-- pranipat time...any problem??
Her words stumble. She mentally hits herself for this.

Krishn gets suspicious.
Krishn-- bhabhima...actually maa said that a Brahman had come to meet me and he met for that reason, I actually came here to ask about it...

Balram-- no nothing special kanha...just normal religious talks. You can go and don't have to worry about anything.

Krishn knew they were hiding something.  But he didn't ask further.  He left the room.

Revati looked at balram surprised...
Revati-- swami?? Are you really going to hide such a big thing from kanha!!!

Balram-- I am confused Revati....I dont want any bad to happen to him...

Revati-- I didn't understand...

Balram-- first of all if he decides to help maharaj Bhishmak and kidnapps rukmini...,,, then krishn's image will forever be ruined. He will get a tag of doing a haran of a princess!!..

Secondly rukmi is not alone Revati...!!
He has 4 other kings and their armies with him now. It will not be easy to fight against all of them. Kanha will have to face huge armies....including that of Jarasandh.

This can turn out to be fatal also. Wars are not joke Revati...I am worried for him.

Revati-- what crisis we are caught.
Revati cried.

Revati-- But swami what if kanha gets to know that you hid that letter from him someday in future??!!

Balram-- what should I do Revati?? I am confused.....

Revati-- I don't know swami. We are literally caught in crisis.  From everywhere we are caught badly....!!! Problems are showering on us like rain...!!!!!!

Balram sighed heavily...

Revati-- And also if kanha really kidnaps rukmini.......RUKMINI WILL HATE KRISHN FOR THAT!.

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