Chapter 18

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Rukmini was getting ready for her marriage rituals. She was blank. She had heard about king shishupal....that how he was an evil king. But she didn't want to go against her family.

Her sakhis were making her hair

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Her sakhis were making her hair. They were doing her shringar ( makeup).

Vishakha-- I have heard that the king of chedi is very rich and strong!!
Vidya-- and evil also..!!..

Rukmini looked up at Vidya.....
Vidya-- why are you looking at me like that rajkumari??...the whole aryavart knows how evil the king of chedi is....

Vishakha-- we cannot judge someone on what people say about him Vidya...

Vidya-- are you joking?? The king of chedi is the most worst king of aryavart.  He troubles his people....he has killed so many people.....and this is so unfortunate that our rajkumari is going to marry him!!!!

Rukmini-- enough Vidya!...

Vidya-- rajkumari!!!....please don't marry him rajkumari....dont do this with yourself .....I am requesting you...please...

Rukmini-- parents and brothers will always think good for me. If they think he is suitable for me

Vidya-- Don't do this rajkumari please....I plead to you....your brother doesn't think about you....he is selfish!!

Vishakha-- Vidya!! Mind your words!! You are talking about the ruler of vidharbha.....!!

Vidya-- I don't intend to insult him.....but he is not thinking about rukmini.....he..jus.....

Rukmini-- please my marriage is fixed and I can't do anything.  We live in times where Girls have no rights to decide whom she will marry.....even if I don't want this..,, this
is my fate. Tomorrow maharaj jarasandh and shishupal is going to come to vidharbha.  There is no going back now....I have to accept what is written in my destiny......

Vidya looked at her in disbelief

Rukmini stood up...and walked towards her balcony and looked at the sky...

Rukmini-- I have full faith on devi ambika and mahadev. They will protect me....I accept what they have written in my destiny.

Next day,....

King Damaghoṣ the father of Shishupal traveled to Kuṇḍina accompanied by armies of elephants exuding mada, chariots hung with golden chains, and numerous cavalry and infantry soldiers.

Bhīṣmak, the lord of Vidarbha, came out of the city and met King Damaghoṣa, offering him tokens of respect. Bhīṣmak then settled Damaghoṣa in a residence especially constructed for the occasion.

Shishupal's supporters — Śālva, Jarāsandh, Dantavakra and Vidūratha — all came, along with Pauṇḍraka and thousands of other kings.

The powerful kings came to vidharbha.
In the meantime in order to satisfy the king of Chedis the powerful Jarasandha announced "A marriage with presents of gold coins and ornaments will be celebrated between the king Shishupala and Bhishmaka’s daughter Rukmini". And he then welcomed his friends.....the highly powerful Suvaktra the son of Dantavakra, an expert in illusions like unto the thousand-eyed deity, the highly powerful and energetic Sudeva, the master of one Akshouhini of soldiers, and the son of Vasudeva, the king of Poundra, the highly powerful son of Ekalavya, the son of Pandya king, the powerful king of Kalinga, the king Venudari, an enemy of Krishana’s, Aushuman, Kratha, Shrutarva, the kings of Kalinga and Gandhara, the highly powerful Praghasa, the king of Kashi and others.

Rukmi welcomed all of them into vidharbha.  Bhishmak unwillingly had to welcome them.


The ceremony of mehendi started in the kingdom of vidharbha.  Rukmini was dressed beautifully.  All her sakhis were applying mehendi on her beautiful soft hands. King Bhishmak and Suddhamati were watching their Daughter from a distance. 

Bhishmak couldn't see this

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Bhishmak couldn't see this. He just left the hall.
Suddhamati followed him back to their room.

Bhishmak-- I can't see this Suddhamati....I can't..
He said getting helpless.

Suddhamati felt like crying. She couldn't belive that her lovely daughter who deserved the world is going to marry the worst of a man possible.

She started sobbing lightly...
Bhishmak saw that and hugged her.
Bhishmak-- don't cry dear I can't see you like that...

Suddhamati ( tried to speak between her sobs)-- stop this swami.....I can't see my daughter marrying him.....I touch your feets swami...
She bowed and grabbed Bhishmaka's feets....sobbing hardly...

Suddhamati-- stop this unfortunate event. My daughter doesn't deserve this...
She started crying loudly....

Bhishmak instantly picked her up and wiped her tears...he consoled his wife...

Bhishmak-- what are you doing dear......handle yourself....I know these are difficult times..but...

Suddhamati-- daughter is being forced to enter hell and we are just watching it.....I can't..,,,.please stop this....

Bhishmak-- I don't know what to do dear.... and how can we stop this...I am....
Bhishmak sighed heavily. He was hopeless and helpless.

Bhishmak-- only god can help us now...

Suddhamati-- God.!!!!!!.........yes...yes!!!! swami you are right..!!!!!.only he can help us now........we should ask for his help I am sure he will help us.

Bhishmak gets confused...what is she talking about?

Bhishmak-- what are you talking dear ?? I don't understand...

Suddhamati-- only one person can help us swami....

Bhishmak-- who??

Suddhamati-- DWARKADISH!!!



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