Chapter 6

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At night.

In the grand room of princess rukmini.

Rukmini-- oh narayan!!!!! Why am I getting his thoughts!!!!!. Noooo.
He is stuck in my mind.
No rukmini no. Stop thinking about him. You cannot think about a certain boy like that. Nooooooo!!!
But what am I suppose to do. He saved me and I did not even say thankyou!!
How can I do this. Ufffff...what should I do. Now it's impossible for me to meet him again. Mother will not allow me.
I am never going to meet that boy again😞.I should sleep now. Tomorrow I have to go to the temple for mahadev pooja.

These thoughts were roaming in the mind of rukmini. She was never going to meet that boy again. Atleast this is what she thought.

Next day, in asharam.

Anirudh-- so our today's work is over. I think we should go on a walk. In the village. What do you think ram??
Anirudh said poking ram with his elbows and pointing towards krishn.

Ram understood. 😌

Ram-- umm yes. Our today's work is over. I think we should go to the temple to meet mahadev and take his blessings.  What do you think krishn??

Krishn was lost in his thoughts 😆.

Anirudh-- oh yeah!! Thats a good idea. I have heard that queen of vidharbha was going to visit that temple today with her daughter Rukmini.

Krishn shot up his head.
Krishn-- what?!! were you saying???.

Ram--😏. He was saying that we should go on for a walk outside . And visit mahadevs temple for blessings.

Krishn-- umm....yeah ok. Why not. My work is also done. I will ask Dau.  Let's take him also.

Anirudh-- he said he is going to go to forest with guruji. I dont think so he will come. I think we should leave.

So they decided to go to the temple.
When they reached the temple. There were many guards around the temple.
And people were waiting outside.

Anirudh asked a person standing in the crowd " whats happening here??? Why are these guards here?? Why are you all waiting here ? "

Man-- maharani of vidharbha is going to come so guards are not letting anyone go inside.

Till that the queen came with guards surrounded on a Rath. With rukmini and her sakhis. They all entered the temple.

Krishn's eyes were searching someone but he couldn't see her.

After some time only queen came out side and started talking to the people.

Queen-- pranipat every one. Today evening I have kept bhojan for all of you. You all are invited 😊.

Every one was happy.
A man said" oh maharani. It will be our honor if you come in our village. ".

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