chapter 5

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The girls and guards started searching for the princess. But she was nowhere found. They started following the river. Till that they met anirudh and ram.

Anirudh and ram understood that the person that had fallen in the river was none other than the princess herself.  Anirudh informed the guards that princess was saved by their friend. And they fell down the waterfall. Now these people have to go downhill to find princess.  So all of them marched down the hill.

Krishn was still stuck on her beauty. Meanwhile rukmini started coughing.  Krishn held her into his arms and tried to help her. He pat her back. She then started to slowly open her eyes. The picture was unclear for her. But she knew that the person that was standing in front of her had saved her.

She started getting her vision back. The view got clear. And their eyes met. Rukmini saw krishn. They both were lost into each other's eyes. Their eyes held so many emotions. It felt like they knew each other from centuries.  As if they were already in love with each other.

The laxmi narayan of dwarpayug has finally met

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The laxmi narayan of dwarpayug has finally met.

Rukmini saw him he was handsome.  She couldn't take her eyes off. But still she tried to distract her mind. She tried to get up. Krishn hold her hands. And helped her getting up.

Krishn-- are you ok?? You fell into the river. And we both came down from that hill.
Said krishn pointing towards the waterfall.

Rukmini looked up. Her eyes became wide.

Rukmini-- what!!! We fell from there??!! She screamed.

Krishn-- yes. But don't worry. Nothing happened. It's ok. But tell me are you fine?
He asked softly.

She looked at him.

Rukmini-- I.. I am fine.
She was blushing while talking to him. She was not able to speak.

Krishn-- oh thats great

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Krishn-- oh thats great.  I was so worried.  Good that you are fine.

Till that the group reached down and found these two.

" krishn!!!!!!!" Shouted ram. And waved his hands.
Krishn also waved his hand showing yes sign.

Ram again Shouted from. The distance.

" did you save the princess. 

Krishn's mind went blank again. What?!!! she was rukmini.  He literally saved the person who had taken his sleep. Who had conquered his mind from so many days. He couldn't belive.  He fell for rukmini for the second time.

The guards reached them. They gave a cloth to rukmini to cover her body. The girls started asking about Rukmini's health. Krishn was just blankly staring at her.

" thankyou so much for saving our princess " said one of the guards to krishn.
But there was no response.  Krishn was busy in adoring rukmini.

Anirudh- they are talking to you.
He said this to krishn while tapping his back.

Krishn-- oh...oh yes..yes...sorry..what.
Sorry were you talking to me.

Anirudh-- yes I am talking to you . Where are you lost huh???  These guards of PRINCESS RUKMINI are talking to you something.
Said Anirudh putting more importance on the word rukmini 😅.

Krishn-- oh sorry i didnt hear you. I am extreamly sorry.

Guards-- oh please dont say sorry. We are extreamly greatfull. That you saved our princess.

Krishn-- oh please dont embarress me. Its my duty. Pls dont say thankyou.

Guards-- please come with us. Lets meet the queen. She will be thankfull to you.

Rukmini--! we are not going to tell this incident to mother. She will shout at me . And also in future she will never allow me to go anywhere. Please this incident should be kept secrert. Let us leave now.

She looked at krishn who was staring at her. Who was adoring her. She glanced at him a last time and then they all left.

Ram-- she left.
Krishn-- huh....??  What??
Ram-- she left already. Now stop looking at her.
Anirudh and ram started laughing loudly. They started teasing krishn again.

Then they came back to asharam. And anirudh explained everything to balram. The enitire night krishn was heavily teased by them.


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