Rise and grind (5)

112 1 0

[1 XP earned]

Kai froze, slowly turning his head towards Noelle to see her sleeping, then towards the timer and saw that it said an hour after he last checked. After a few moments hesitation, Kai opened his status just to make sure.

Name: Kai Reynolds

Age: 17

Level: 1 (9 XP needed)

"..." Well...it definitely changed. Kai thought to himself as he drank from one of the bottles of water delivered while himself and Noelle were asleep.

Then Kai frowned. Noelle must have been training more than me so did she gain 1 XP? If she did why didn't she say? Maybe she didn't and I'm the first?

With a sigh, Kai realised this is too much to worry about now and instead dedicated himself back to his exercise.

Even if Noelle also gained some XP, it's not like it changes anything about the situation. They're still trapped together in wherever this place is.

Another hour passed and the familiar voice rang in his ears again.

[1 XP earned]

Kai quickly turned to the hologram and saw that another hour has passed. After taking a few sips from his bottle and wiping some sweat off his forehead, he sat down on his bed and sighed.

So if the math is correct, an hour of hard working exercise is one XP. So I need another eight hours of exercise before level two...but then what? Will it double for level three? What happens when I reach level two? Well, it's not like I'll reach level two for another while, nothing I can do about it.

And with that, Kai fell asleep contently as soon as his head hit the pillow, unaware of Noelle's gaze on him through her half opened eyes.


Nineteen hours passed and Kai is still training as much as he can. His arms hurt, his muscles scream out, his legs threatened to give out at any moment, but he pushes on for the promising things level two can bring him. And after another eight gruelling hours of training, pushing himself further than he ever had before...The reward came.

[1 XP gained]

Level 2 reached

Obtained 3 unnasigned stat points

Is...is that it? Kai inwardly groaned and lied down on his bed. All that effort for a measly 3 stat points. With a sigh, Kai opened the stat part of his status screen.


Strength: 6

Dexterity: 4

Constitution: 7

Mana: 10

Stamina: 7

Will: 14

Luck: 12

Looking at his own stats, Kai felt pretty underwhelmed. All of his physical stats look pretty lacking compared to his unseen ones, especially his Will. So far Kai hadn't seen his highest stat do much, but then again he hasn't exactly been in any scenarios so far that would require the stat...except maybe when Noelle used her ability on him, that had him stressing but not as much as he thought he would.

After thinking it over. Kai reaches his conclusion. Since he is so tired after doing ten hours of exercise in the last...twenty-one hours, he knew what stat he should put the points into. It only seems right to put all 3 stat points into stamina, increasing his efficiency at leveling up.

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