Useless (104)

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The ground trembled violently as a terrible battle still continued on outside the confines of the small wooden dome.

Dozens of humans and beasts were all huddled together in close proximity under the protection of the wooden structure. There was no light, but it wasn't like it was really needed, you could still make out basic shapes and people's faces.

Each of the humans were cowering in fear as they stuck closer together. They were the survivors, the ones who had made it through that terrible war.

...For now, anyway.

It was vastly different to any war that had been on Earth. Majority of wars on their home planet lasted for years and also had politics involved in them in some shape or form, but it was nothing like that here.

They could barely do anything against those horrible abominations, they weren't strong enough for that. There was some that managed to kill a few, but majority could only hide and pray that they wouldn't be attacked.

And even with that horrible attack that four armed being had done, the one that obliterated a quarter of the forest. How were they meant to survive that? If it tried it again, even everyone inside the dome wouldn't be safe, they were like pigs for the slaughter.

The inside of the small wooden dome was basically split in half, half being occupied by moon beasts while the other half was occupied by trembling humans.

Every time an explosion rang out or a shockwave hit against the dome only fueled the fear that the people felt. They were not built for a battle of this calibre, what could they possibly do in this type of situation?

Noelle sat back against the wall of the dome, a blank expression on her face. Her scimitar was still in her hand, but it felt so different compared to how it felt a few minutes ago.

It felt so... useless.

It was meaningless, there was no point of the blade anymore, she had accomplished her goal. She had gotten revenge on the man who wronged her, the one who took her parents, who took Gabriel, it could even be tenchincally said that it was him that took her uncle, but Noelle didn't think that, she had to accept it was her who took her uncle's life.

But what now? If they survived, what would even happen to them?

Would they just have to keep going through tutorials while leveling up? To keep having to fight tooth and nail just to stay alive?

Noelle didn't want to have to fight.

But she also didn't want to have anyone try to control her.

She sighed anyway, its not like she had anyone left. Everyone was dead, that was the truth. Basically everyone she had ever known was all in one place.

Well, except Rashik, he was most certainly rotting in the deepest depths of hell.

Should she just join them? She did say that she would kill Rashik before she took her own life, and she had accomplished that.

Should she just kill herself?

Maybe death wasn't such a bad thing, in fact, that option sounded quite appealing to her-

A red haired woman with a bow on her back slowly walked over to Noelle, as if knowing what she was thinking.

She sat down beside Noelle and sighed, she then dismissed the red bracers on her arms incase she accidently cut the poor girl with the sharp blades on the edge.

"How are you doing?"

Another explosion rang out outside the dome, but Noelle was more focused on Sofia's question.

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