The first upgrade (54)

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Satisfaction, pride, power. Those were all the emotions Kai was feeling after his victory. Of course, he wasn't so egotistical as to let one win get to his head.

Deactivating his transformation with only a small bit of Mana to spare, Kai's adrenaline wore off and all the pain came over him in a tide of agony.

His muscles burned, his arms ached, his body was covered in scratches and he was bleeding profusely. Everything hurt.

Sitting down and leaning back against a different tree as to not have any dead abomination parts drip onto him, Kai closed his eyes as he caught his breath.

The exhilaration had worn off, and looking back Kai realised how stupid that really was. Charging head-first into a fight was akin to trying to kill yourself.

But did he regret his choice?

Absolutely not. Kai was proud of what he did. Himself and Wa'rak had reclaimed the tunnel together, saving who knows how many beast lives in the process.

Even though countless died, and those losses hurt, Kai was proud of the ones he saved. The only strange thing was how Aldred was acting. If the gray wolf is supposed to be The Elder, why do nothing and just watch the beasts die?

Giving Aldred the benefit of the doubt for now, Kai continued to rest. The hard bark did not make for a good pillow, but Kai was too tired to care. Even a slab of obsidian could make a pillow at this point.

The sound of footsteps got closer and closer, but Kai did not bother to open his eyes at the noise. It's only once the footsteps were right beside them he only looked at what was causing them.

Two wolves stood in front of him. One black as night and the other gray as ash.

"Where's the-"

Aldred spoke up, but Kai just pointed to his left. Turning his head, Aldred had his question answered for him at the sight of a lifeless abomination's bottom half hanging limply from the tree.

"I see."

Aldred hummed. The wolf then turned and started walking back into the tunnel. Without bothering to turn around again, he called over his shoulder.

"You did good, Catalyst. Go get some rest."

With that, Aldred made his way back to The Dome. His large, gray body was enveloped by the darkness of the cave.

Wa'rak gave Kai a small nod of approval before following Aldred.

Left to himself, Kai lightly smacked the back of his head against the bark of the tree and sighed.

Fatigue and pain was currently rampaging his body, but he didn't care. He was happy. The last time he was this happy was-

I don't want to think about that.

Even if he didn't want to think about that, there was one thing he wanted to think about after that whole ordeal.

I did kill a lot of abominations... Did I get any levels?

Opening his status screen, Kai was greeted by a line of text he had not expected to see.

You have slain evolved quarter moon abomination: Veiled of The Dark Side

I guess that explains why it was so strong...

The veiled was the second evolved abomination Kai and Wa'rak had killed. They honestly seemed too common to be that special at this point.

If they're meant to be some type of rare abomination, either Kai is extremely lucky or extremely lucky. He couldn't decide which.

All he knew is that he didn't want to fight any more of them.

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