The trees hear all (69)

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Deep inside the small forest, a figure emerged behind one of the dark brown trees. The figure slowly walked forward, admiring the sight before them.

Pools of blood, tears mixing with the grass and to top it all off, an unconscious man who didn't know how to keep it in his pants.

"My oh my, my dear Kai. You've really outdone yourself this time. To think you would do this all by yourself, maybe Aldred was right."

Failure chuckled as he gazed at the pitiful sight before him. He truly hadn't expected Kai to do any of that. It seemed that his little chat with the red-haired lady had resonated with him more than Failure assumed.

While Kai had a good heart, Failure knew that a good heart was not enough to overcome the obstacles that laid in that boys path.

In fact, a good heart wouldn't be able to help anyone's path, unless they had unimaginable talent that is. But then again, neither would one that was obsessed with bloodshed. Noelle would be an example. Her wrath may guide her for a while, but she was like a raging fire that would eventually run out of room to spread, inevitably dying out.

No, you needed a mix of both. A perfect combination was what you needed to survive. Equal amounts of hatred and purity was what you needed to climb the ladder known as life.

Failure thought Kai would need a boost, a push in the right direction, for him to realise that. But the man that was currently bleeding against the tree...

Played his part as a pawn perfectly.

"What a splendid show."

Failure was also pleasantly surprised with that small speech about seeing all Kai gave. If the boy kept up in that direction, Failure was sure that soon enough, Kai would be able to strike fear into the hearts of his enemies with just his words.

It would also just be an entertaining thing to witness in general.

Failure watched the man as he peacefully bled onto the ground, creating a horrifying yet beautiful image as he knew who the blood belonged to.

A few minutes passed before the man began to stir out of his man-made slumber. His eyelids, which were caked in blood that was dripping from his head, slowly opened, revealing the depraved eyes that Kai learned to hate earlier.

"Ughh... What the fuck!"

The man cried out in pain as he looked down, spotting all the blood that was cascading down his body. He shakily lifted up his hands as he screamed at the sight.

"Hello there friend. What exactly happened to you?"

The man let out a gasp of shock at the sudden voice. He thought that he was alone, so why was the kid-

Looking up, he saw that it wasn't the kid. In fact, the woman was gone too, how long was he out? What-

The man froze, if the kid was gone...

He grinned, a plan forming in his wicked and perverted mind.

He didn't even care about the pain. His wrist was killing him and felt like it was about to fall off. He had a terrible headache from the impact against the tree and his back felt like it was crushed in a vice.

But if he could get his revenge...

Quickly looking up to whoever just spoke, the man hid his grin and-

Trembled in fear.

Normally when one had seen Failure, it was during the day. Even if it wasn't, there's was always some source of light around to illuminate the area.

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