Guess who's back (108)

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Inside a different Subdimension, far, far away from the Forest of Ethania was a planet about the size of Neptune.

The planet had a beautiful, lush landscape filled with various animals and lifeforms. From vast forests to breathtaking beaches, to even underground areas that looked like something straight out of a fantasy movie, there was no environment that wasn't massively different to the ones you would find on Earth.

Six moons orbited around the planet, each moon representing a different God of the planet.

There was one moon that was a radiant white, another that was a putrid shade of purple, another that was a light green, another that was a beautiful shade of pink, another that was a deep black, and the final moon was one that was much smaller than the other five and was a pale gray colour.

In one particular area of the beautiful planet laid a pantheon beyond comprehension. The size of the breathtaking building was much bigger than any pantheon on Earth, and the material it was made out of was much more stunning. The body of the pantheon was made out of some sort of white marble that you could even see your reflection in.

Countless different beings made their way around the pantheon, and a lot of them being different races. From maids doing their day to day work, to slaves in chains being ordered to do the dirty work that the higher ups did not want their maids to sully themselves doing.

Being a Moon Maid was a high honour after all, the girls never knew if they could become one of the Chosen.

A variety of different races populated the pantheon. From humans to humanoid beings with scales and tails to girls with different animal ears to short beings that had muscles nearly popping off of their body to even beings that did not look humanoid at all, yet they still wandered the pantheon. Each of them had a role to play in keeping the pantheon functioning, so no one showed any discrimination.

Unless you were a slave, that is.

A humanoid man with four arms and a tail ordered some of the slaves to tend to the horses that had been inflicted with the Curse of Oblivion, making them frantic and always rampaging.

The curse was highly contagious and highly dangerous, but that was the life of a slave. You were seen as disposable.

Inside the pantheon was various different rooms. From kitchens to washrooms to massive bedrooms that could have held a party inside them.

Of course, the owner of the pantheon did hold a certain type of parties in his bedroom.

Inside one of the many bedrooms was a man with long, silver hair. His body was clothed by a simple robe, barely hiding his perfect chest and all the abs on it.

His pupils were that of two moons, a sight that had anyone who gazed upon them unable to catch their breath.

That was the beauty of Eye of the Moon.

And of course, a man of such beauty had to have many consorts to tend to him.

By now, his harem was in the hundreds of millions. Over all the years he had been alive, he had always been collecting any who had caught his eye. Sometimes, if he was bored, he would just pick the first woman he spotted and choose to have her, even if she didn't want him.

Currently, a dozen women of different races and sizes were keeping him company on his spacious bed. Each of them were a Chosen, a Moon Maid or even just some random woman he had spotted who he had deemed suitable to join his harem.

Their forms varied from a humanoid with green skin and two antennas to a pale woman that resembled a zombie to a woman that had the lower half of a snake. Eye of the Moon was not one to discriminate.

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