A little present (87)

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Rashik grinned as he started slowly walking in a circle around Noelle, studying her. She had to have grown in strength by a large margin since he last saw her, and Rashik was an extremely catious person. If he wasn't, how would he have survived so long?

"End my life? Well, I'm sure you have plenty of experience ending people's lives. Those two of my guards you killed, those poor soldiers held hostage by my new boss...

Your uncle.

Hell, you basically killed poor little Gabriel. What an innocent boy-"

"You shut your fucking mouth."

Noelle was seething with rage. How dare that horrible bastard even speak about him. After everything he had done to him, what gave him the right to-

"I really don't get why you're so worked up about him, honestly. I mean, you seem to have moved on pretty quickly."

Noelle's eyes narrowed as she glared coldly at the armoured man who sauntered calmly across from her.

"What the hell are you taling about?"

Rashik grinned, then pointed across the battlefield. Noelle followed his finger to see where he was pointing, and felt her mood darken even further.

An eight foot tall figure covered in dark hair. The figure had a white, fur tunic covering their massive body and a ghastly crimson blade in their right hand. Their entire body was engulfed by gray flames, only fuelling to the slaughter of abominations around them. No abomination that wasn't a quarter moon or above could get close enough to deal meaningful damage to the flaming figure.

"Your new boyfriend of course!" Rashik grinned. "Honestly, he wasn't what I expected your rebound to be. Do you have a thing for weak men or something?"

Noelle's eyebrow twitched in anger, her hands turning white as she gripped the hilt of her scimitar.

But Rashik was not done talking.

"Ah, but he's not so weak, is he? He's quite the menace. I didn't expect him, you should have seen how much I was laughing when I saw him dash into that tunnel."

Noelle couldn't help but squint in confusion. Tunnel? What the hell was Rashik going on about?

"But you should have seen him, he slaughtered those abominations without hesitation. He even managed to kill something that was invisible. Hell, I wouldn't be able to do that! How he could see something invisible is beyond me, but I knew that I had to give him a little gift."

Noelle was struggling to hold back her rage. Why was she even listening? It would be oh so easy to just dash forward and shut Rashik up, giving him no room to speak.

So why didn't she?

The answer was simple, and she knew it in her heart. She was curious.

For Rashik to be second-in-command to her uncle, he had to have something that kept him in that position. Rashik wasn't the strongest fighter, nor was he the fastest.

But there was one thing he had in abundance.


He was the most deceitful, cunning and tricky bastard alive. Even more so now that he could litteraly hide in the shadows.

So for him to see something in Kai... Noelle held back her ever growing rage for a few moments and hatefully spat out.

"Go on then, what was the present?"

Rashik grinned darkly.

"Well you know, you were there of course. I happen to have a high position in this so called Moon Legion, so big Demon boss over there let me call all the shots.

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