Null Impact (86)

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Wa'rak was struggling.

Even with the shadows answering his plea, he just could not keep up with the monstrosity that was a full moon abomination.

In terms of stats, Wa'rak was inferior. In terms of skills, Wa'rak was inferior. In terms of everything, Wa'rak was inferior.

But did that mean he was going to give up?

Absolutely not. He would not just lie down and accept fate, he would die before he done that.

No fate could ever hold him back. If the fact that he saw a Wraith recently meant he was going to die, he would survive. Wa'rak was going to live and slaughter every damn abomination in the forest. Nothing was going to escape his wrath once he finished fighting his current opponent.

But to do that, he had to kill himself first.

... Kind of kill himself.

The mimic lunged, its atrocious jaws threatening to sever any of Wa'rak's limbs without trouble with how sharp its red fangs were.

Well, Wa'rak wasn't sure. He had yet to test the full capabilities of the armour he had been given. Even though the armour could be incredibly strong and durable, he would much rather not have to test that.

And if Wa'rak did have to test the durability of the armour, then...

He would just test it on the set that was protecting the mimic.

Wa'rak dodged, using his innate ability to gain a little more distance with the dodge.

By now, about two minutes had passed. Even though he had been constantly using his innate ability, Wa'rak had yet to build back up to the momentum he had before the abomination attacked him. Still, he was slowly accumulating that precious force, growing stronger with each passing second.

The only problem being that Wa'rak was on a timer. He had no idea how long the shadow armour would last, and that damn gibbous moon abomination was constantly pressuring him.

And worst of all, the army was losing. They were being overrun.

Wa'rak hated it.

His kin were not meant to be slaughtered, they were meant to be slaughterers.

So if his kin was unable to kill, then he would kill everything himself.

Snarling, Wa'rak pushed himself forward and swiped at the abomination, his claws sparking harmlessly off of the red mist armour that was mimicking his own.

He growled in dissapointment, but had used his innate ability when he hit the red armour. Even if he done barley any damage with each attack, no armour was impenetrable.

Wa'rak knew that better than any, his insides were hurting terribly. While the armour may have stopped any possible cuts from the mimic's claws, blunt damage still impacted the impervious shadows.

But that meant if it impacted Wa'rak, then it had to impact the abomination.

And Wa'rak had the advantage in one sense. While the abomination could copy his appearance...

It could not copy his innate ability.

At the start of their fight, Wa'rak was slower than the abomination. Now, he was ever so slightly quicker, and his speed was only growing.

Dodging, slashing, biting, anything he used his innate ability for gave him momentum.

And the abomination couldn't stop him.

Wa'rak pounced onto the side of one of the surrounding trees, he then crouched down and used the hard bark as a springboard to launch an attack on the abomination.

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