Fear Factor (88)

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In the center of the tide of hideous abominations, a bright gray flame could be seen through the cracks of the wave. Light seeped through the cracks of their terrible bodies as they continued to pile up on top of the source.

They were all flung away in an instant.

Kai was feeling slightly dizzy by now. He had been spinning non stop quicker than he ever had in his life for more than a minute by now, yet the tide of abominations did not let up.

He had not even gotten the oppurtunity to drink a Mana potion yet, the assault of the ugly tentacled blobs had been too relentless.

Kai wasn't complaining though. He had reached level twenty-two in the last two minutes from the large amount of crescent moon abominations he had killed.

Even though they were extremely weak in comparison to him, Kai had to have killed dozens upon dozens in the short time he had been fused.

He threw the fourty-two unnasigned stat points he had gained into Strength, bringing the monstrous stat up to three hundred and seventy-five.

After that, the process of spinning and slicing got even easier.

Quite frankly, Kai was having fun.

For whatever reason, nothing above crescent moon had bothered to attack him.

Maybe it's because of the flames...

Which was a possibility. While the crescent moon abominations turned even more mindless than they already were at the sight of the flaming Kai, quarter and gibbous moon abominations seemed to be smart enough to avoid the flames.

Meaning Kai got to undiscriminately kill abominations much, much weaker than him.

He was now the master of fire, screw the original-

Wait, in Ninjago, his name was also Kai...

He froze for a moment, stopping his mass slaughter as he fell deep into thought. Was Kai secretly the master of fire all along?


Kai laughed as he got back to spinning. It was a nice surprise that he could have thoughts like that in the current situation. It meant he hadn't gone completely crazy just yet.

Still, something needed to change. Kai was perfectly capable of holding back the weak crescent moon abominations, but it was the higher rank ones that were causing the real problems.

Kai just needed something, someone to take over-

A horrible feeling dug it's way into his heart. It was terrifying, raw, unadulterated fear.

But as soon as it struck him, it was gone as quickly.

What the hell was that? Kai thought as he felt a bead of sweat fall off his forehead.

He then realised that he had stopped spinning because of that feeling.


Kai panicked as he quickly started spinning again, hoping to gain some momentum as to not let any abominations slip through.

He kept spinning and-


No abominations attacked him?

Slowly bringing his spinning session to a halt, Kai couldn't help but be confused as he noticed the lack of abominations.


Lying on the ground all around him was a large, vast expanse of abomination corpses, all mutilated by his claws and had their life drained by his abominable blade.

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