Selection skill (77)

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Skill selection.

An incredible thing Kai had grown to love and hate over his course throughout all the tutorials. While he has only had three so far, they all could have been better or worse. Overall, all the skills he got so far were more useful than he thought when he originally picked them.

Honestly, Kai didn't even want to imagine what traversing this forest would have been like if he didn't have Telepathy.

Another thing was that while he could converse with moon beasts using that skill, it was translated into English. It had to be some hidden feature of it or something, because Kai knew that none of the beasts here could speak it.

But then he frowned.

All of the moon beasts that could actually speak all spoke in English, but that doesn't seem probable. What are the chances that some magical race could speak English?

There had to be some sort of magic involved that was too complex for Kai to understand, so he just gave up before he even began trying.

He would much rather pick a new skill after all.

Skill selection obtained

Please select one of the three following skills

Damn, three again.

He had still yet to get another one of four option, which was a little disheartening, but as long as one of these skills was good Kai was willing to let it slide.

That was only if one of the skills was good though.

[Soul Flame (Common)]

A flame ignited by the sparks of one's soul. Allows the user to summon flames from within their soul. Strength of the flames is based off the rank of the users soul.

Huh... That's a pretty good option.

Kai had to admit, that skill had a lot of potential. It would be the first offensive option he could pick, allowing him some sort of defence when not fused with Umbra.

While Life Eater did fit that criteria of a back up option, Kai had no experience wielding a blade. Whenever he used it when fused, it only worked because of the monstrous strength he had, allowing the blade to actually be useful.

And while he had shifted a lot of his stats into strength in preparation for the war, Kai still didn't feel comfortable fighting with a sword while not fused.

Strength was just one factor of it. When he was fused, he had the health and defence to kind of make up for any mistakes he would make.

But since majority of his skills were based off of his soul or had something to do with souls, there was a high chance that he would be constantly growing it, making the possibilities of Soul Flame quite a tempting option.

Still, there was another two skills to go.

[Soul Link (Rare)]

Souls are one's true being, linking them together could almost be seen as intimate. Allows the user to tether their soul to another being that possesses a soul. The user can then share stats or skills with the one they are tethered to. Any skill or stats can only be possessed by one party. Severing the tether requires temporarily weakening your soul.

Another good option. But why does it say in this description that it would be intimate yet it always said previously that its perverted?

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