Come at me (53)

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Wide-eyed, Kai quickly turned his head and tried to sniff out where the abomination went. While his nose was much stronger due to the effects of Wolf's senses, the stench of the dead abominations all around them was just too overbearing. It completely blocked out any way they could find the thing.

Wa'rak must have realised the same as he took a low stance, ready to react to anything that attacked him.

Only the abomination didn't.

Behind them, one of the boars fell, five deep gashes dug into its side. Its armour was completely penetrated and blue blood was pouring out of the wound.

After only a short squeal of pain, its neck was effortlessly slit open too.

Wa'rak's eyes flared with anger as he swiped in a wide arc, hoping to hit something.

He didn't, and another one of the armoured boars was killed.

A low rumble echoed through the cave, almost like it was a laugh.

The abomination was taunting them.

Enraged, Wa'rak made a dash towards the group of beasts, positioning himself in the centre of them all so he could react to any potential attack.

Kai, on the other hand, was much calmer. Watching his surroundings carefully, he tried to spot any hint about where the wendigo abomination could be.

A stag fell.

Followed by another boar.

Wa'rak was losing it at this stage, he was absolutely livid at the cowardly abomination. The wolf kept howling and barking, trying to taunt the abomination into showing itself.

It didn't, and the squirrel's neck was snapped in an instant.

The beasts were dropping like flies, and Aldred was doing nothing about it. The gray wolf was watching in silence, not even moving.

What the hell is he doing? Does he just not care?

Time was running out, Kai did not have long left in his transformation. Each second more wasted brought him closer and closer to death.

But the abomination was just too smart, too cunning, too-

Got you.

The fact that the abomination was this smart meant it had to be sentient and not just a mindless follower like the crescent moon abominations. Meaning...

It has a soul.

Activating Soul Sight, Kai saw seven souls. Six belonging to the moon beasts and Wa'rak, and since he failed to see Aldred's soul...

A single black orb floated around the tunnel. The orb was even darker than the shadows and had thin red lines throbbing on its outer layer, like veins. The orb was flying around rapidly, Kai could barely keep his eyes on it.

Still, barely meant he could track it.

Snarling, Kai lunged forward and swiped his claws in an X shape. His sharp, built in weapons hit something hard. Still, with the much higher Strength he currently had, he managed to dig them into his target.

Growling, Kai tensed his claws and held the invisible abomination in place. From the way its soul was moving, Kai could tell it was thrashing around, but Kai gritted his fangs and used every fibre of his being to keep the abomination in his grasp.

Wa'rak, seeing Kai struggle in place with nothing in front of him, quickly realised what was happening and used the abomination's lack of movement to his advantage.

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