Maybe first aid? (68)

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The blade dug into the ground centimeters under the man's kid maker, nearly giving it an intimate kiss with its sharp edge.

The man, pale as a ghost, let out a scream of horror as the blade brushed against him. His eyes were wide with fear as his head snapped from the blade up to Kai's face.

Even though the man looked as if he were on the brink of passing out a moment ago, the shock of nearly losing his balls promptly woke him up.

If not for the fact that since their arrival in the white room their bladders had been shut down, Kai was certain that the man would have pissed himself.

"Please! Don't do this. Stop! J- Just stop! I'll do anything."

"Shut up."

Kai delivered a swift but lethal kick to the man's stomach. His eyes popped out of his head as a mixture of blood and spit flew out of his open mouth.

Kai then grabbed the man by his hair and slammed his head into the tree. The tree groaned with the impact as the rapist grew limp.

A stream of blood trickled down the grooves in the bark, yet Kai paid it no heed. Slowly, he turned his head to the reason he did all of that in the first place.

The woman was desperately trying to crawl away, but her leg was horribly disfigured and she kept letting out sobs of pain with every movement of her injured self.

Kai only managed to take one step before the woman let out another cry.

"S-Stay back! P...please, don't hurt me!"

Kai stopped mid step. It was obvious that the woman was absolutely terrified. Hell, if Kai was a woman, he would have been terrified to.

Actually, did you even have to be a woman to be terrified in a situation like this?

It was vile what the man tried to do. It was now that Kai was once again realising how lucky he had been with the people he met in his time in the forest.

Even though Noelle was a bit brash and hot-headed, she did save Kai's life on multiple occasions.

Maybe he should apologise...

And even though Sofia seemed to have an unnatural obsession with teasing him, it's not like it did any harm.

Plus, she also saved his life, like Noelle.

Even John was a good person who Kai had gotten to know.

So all he could do was feel sad for the situation the woman crying on the ground before him was in.

She was all alone, Kai wasn't sure where her partner was, but he could guess that they wouldn't have been close.

He didn't even want to think of the possibility that the redneck was her partner...

"Alright, I'll just stand right here. I'll wait."

His voice was soft as he tried to calm the woman. He really didn't understand what the woman was going through, he hadn't been in a situation remotely close to this before after all. So all he could do was be patient and try not to stress her out even more than she already is.

"W... What did you do to him?

Kai glanced at the man, still unmoving and pale. After looking at the sight, he realised why the woman was terrified.

"I didn't kill him, he's just unconscious."

While the thought to just kill the man did appear in Kai's mind, he didn't feel comfortable with just killing someone.

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