(Certain) Women are scary (12)

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Just as Noelle started to feel that somethings off and looks around cautiously, all the animals that were watching turn into a cloud of black smoke... as if they were never there to begin with.


Waking up feeling refreshed, mainly due to sleeping on Umbra's soft body, Kai gets up and walks to the stream. Only after he gets to start close he spots leather armour discarded on the grass.

Oh... Noelle must be washing herself. Kai thinks to himself as he yawns, an idea pops into his head... When else would he ever get to see the beautiful olive skinned woman like this, the answer enters his mind nearly instantly.


So what does Kai do?

He walks back to camp and activates his telepathic link with Umbra until Noelle comes back, he's not a massive pervert after all

...maybe only a little perverted though.

Sitting down beside his wolf familiar and softly stroking her fur, he thinks through the connection "So Umbra, any idea how old you are?"

Umbra continues to lick her paws, cleaning them. "I am 236 corpses old"

Kai flinches and accidently stops petting his familiar. After clearing his throat, he continues stroking her fur and asks "Uh... care to explain?"

"There has been 236 more siblings that have been born after me, meaning me is 236 corpses old" Umbra stops cleaning her coat and instead enjoys the attention Kai is paying her, she let's her head rest on the ground and closes her eyes, enjoying the sensation of being pet.

"I... I see" Kai sighs and stops petting the pitch black wolf, standing up he looks back towards the stream and sees Noelle still isn't back.

Sighing again, Kai walks to wear he saw the armour last and stands beside it, he then turns his back to the stream and starts to shout:

"Noelle! How much longer-"

Something slaps him on the back of the head, and that something is accompanied by a voice "Don't shout out loud you idiot, gods, we don't even know what's out here" Noelle scowls as she slaps the back of his head again for good measure.

"Ow... sorry" Kai grumbles as he rubs his head, just as he is about to turn Noelle slaps his head for a third time.

"Don't turn around, pervert. How exactly am I meant to get dressed if you're standing beside my clothes?"

Blushing slightly, Kai stops himself from turning and takes a few steps away from Noelle, lest he get slapped again.

"Alright, alright... I'm sorry" Kai complains as he continues to look forward. "Damn, how high is your strength stat? Its like being hit by a rock". He then adds under his breath "All muscle no..."

Feeling a pair of eyes bore into the back of his skull, he inwardly stops himself from finishing that sentence just as Noelle asks:

"If you want me to show you how high it is, why don't you tell me your Constitution?"

Frowning slightly, Kai wonders to himself why she would want to know that...

Oh... Constitution is HP...

Promptly leaving the scary woman behind, Kai scurries back to camp, hoping Noelle isn't actually going to hurt him... she isn't... right?

A few minutes pass and Noelle finally gets back to camp, her hair still damp as it's not likes there's any towels in a forest... You could use leaves though...

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