Skyfall (106)

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Failure chuckled as he reached out and pet Aldred's furry head, some of his fatigue getting washed away from the action.

"Well, old friend, it seems that it is finally time for the finale. Ah, it seems like it was only yesterday you were a trembling pup that I found in my forest. Time sure does fly..."

Aldred grunted in response.

"Trembling pup? Please, you weren't in much of a better condition considering curse on the moon was stronger in those times."

Failure sighed wistfully.

"I guess we can agree it was rough for both of us, but at least we have a third now. Little old Kai, only seventeen yet he's already idiotically sacrificing his life for people he's known for less than a month. We really are quite the group."

Kai snorted.

"Hmph, idiotically? You should be thanking me. And it's not just for you, Umbra is back there too, she's also too young and too cute to die. And I'm sure Wa'rak is back there somewhere too."

Aldred winced, but decided not to correct the boy. Maybe if they met in the future he would tell him, but not now.

"And I did thank you." Failure said. "Plenty of times, I'm sure it was at least five."

Kai sighed and waved his hand, which neither Failure or Aldred could actually see because he relinquished the duty of controlling his body in favour of repairing the abundance of cracks on his soul that he was unable to repair for the last few moments. He wasn't sure if all these cracks would have any lingering effects if he were to survive, so he just decided to repair as many as he could anyway.

"Yeah yeah, and I heard you every time. I can never thank him enough and all that. If you really do want to thank me... Yeah, I don't know, just kill the Demon, I guess."

And with that, all three fell silent as they gazed upon their final enemy.

The head of the full moon abomination axe was stuck into the ground, meanwhile two of the Demon's four arms were holding on tightly to the hilt.

The Demon didn't make any sudden movements, but all three could see that its body was constantly vibrating, as if holding back its wrath. It had its eye closed, almost as if it was in prayer.

"My Lord, I apologise for not being able to keep your creation untainted."

Nevermind, it was in prayer.

"I know it will anger you, but I will make sure to punish these sinners harshly. So please, My Lord, grant me your strength!"

The whole world fell silent as Kai, Failure and Aldred stared blankly at the Demon, wondering if it was done with the show.

Even now, time was ticking away as the meteor above their heads got closer and closer. By now, the chunk of the moon had already started picking up more and more speed as it got closer to impact.

Time remaining before destruction of tutorial - 2 minutes and 43 seconds

Over a full minute had passed since the Demon had attempted to eradicate everyone inside the wooden Dome, but after the attack it just remained still, praying and recuperating from the backlash.

But just as Failure was about to make fun of the Demon once more for getting ignored by its 'Lord', his eyes widened in horror as something descended from the sky.

A beautiful white droplet around the same size as a rain drop slowly floated down from above. No one had even seen where it came from, it just... appeared.

The Demon's eye shot open it stared at the heavenly droplet, the two hands gripping onto the hilt of the double headed axe trembling once more.

"My Lord, you have answered! You have chosen to bless me with the responsibility of eradicating these pests. I thank you for your benevolence and I swear I shall carry out your order."

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