The vampire and the catalyst (30)

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With nothing better to do until his training session with Failure tomorrow, he flips the page and starts to read the next diary entry.

'Dear Diary,

The sky is gray...'

'Dear Diary,

Time moves so slowly...'

'Dear Diary,'

Hours passed, hours which Kai spent immersed in the life of princess Ethania. The diary entries he read gave him a pretty good insight of what she was like when she was alive and, well, before she became a tree.

If he had to describe her, he would say she had the elegance of a Goddess but the mouth of a sailor. The princess who everyone sought after was secretly putting on a graceful and refined front, no one would want their princess and future queen to be have a crude and vulgar way of speaking after all.

Even though she was crude, the rumours about her being kind and caring were absolutely true. Her benevolence and kindness is the reason the kingdom prospered, why there was no famine, no rebellions, she was the embodiment of benevolence. She also cared deeply for the knight who ran away with her, Sir Constance. She loved him like she would her own family, which he basically was as he was her knight since she was seven, him being twelve respectively.

By the time Eye of the moon set his eyes... eye?

By the time Eye of the moon set his sight on Ethania, she was seventeen while Sir Constance was twenty-two. Kai thought it was a bit strange for a who knows how old god to lust after a seventeen year old, but maybe its a common occurence in this world. She really did deeply care for Constance though, but she wrote in her diary that it might be partly due to the guilt she feels for accidently making Sir Constance abandon his family to go with her.

'Dear Diary,

His face is paler. Ever since we got attacked four nights ago by that damn spider, Con has been getting worse... He thinks I don't notice, but I do. His quick grimaces, him stifling his coughs, the unnatural colour in his veins. That bitch of a spider must have been venomous.

It's all my fault, it was my turn to take watch, but I fell asleep. Its all my fault, and the worst part is that by the time I woke up Con had already killed the mother. How such a huge creature snuck up on me I shall never know, even just one of its legs is much taller than me. Even just imagining what it could've done to me if not for Con makes me shiver.

It's only a matter of time before Con's body fails him, and I'll be alone. I don't want to be alone, being alone is scary, but so is being surrounded by people. I don't know what I want anymore, my thoughts are overwhelming and it just confuses me. It hurts to think about, but what hurts even more is that I don't know which will make me feel worse, losing Con... or being alone.'

Damn, that's some deep stuff... Kai closes the diary, looking up at the artificial sky of the dome as he feels the painted sun's rays shine down on him, giving a nice colour to his skin.

I miss the real sun...

With a sigh, Kai pushes himself off the ground and to the hole where he buried the diary. He placed the decrepit mess of papers tenderly in the hole and used his hands to bury the diary, the dirt covering his tracks.

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