Small, intricate lines (89)

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Aldred was panicking.

He knew as soon as he saw that full moon abomination emerge from the Demon's chest that things had gone from bad to worse.

He should have known after the Demon was so lax with the safety of his other weapons, it was all because he only needed one for the abomination to fuse with it.

And Aldred couldn't have left a worse weapon to become a full moon abomination.

Aldred was so shocked at the fact that there was a second full moon abomination that he forgot to dodge the horrible axe.

Kai's first thought when watching Aldred lose a leg was that the large gray wolf could just use his healing ability on himself to regenerate the leg.

But Aldred's restoration did not work in that way.

Restoration could only be used to bring something back to the way it was. A tree into a sapling, that would be an example. But it did not work as well on living beings. Aldred would not be able to bring someone back from the dead as their life force had already left their body.

Sadly, it's not like restoration was even an option to bring his leg back in the first place.

The double headed axe, the Demon's final weapon that was now a full moon abomination, had the ability to delay the time a cut took to heal.

Previously, the axe would have been able to delay Aldred by a few hours, depending on how deep the cut was. Now that it was a full moon abomination though...

Aldred inwardly knew that it would take at least a few days to heal his leg.

And he did not have a few days.

Jumping backwards to try and put some distance between him and the two full moon abominations, Aldred growled as countless ideas and plans started forming in his mind.

The situation was, to put it bluntly, hopeless.

One full moon abomination was somewhat bearable, but two?

Unless there was someone hidden among the crowd of humans that could temporarily gain power equivalent to Aldred or either of the full moon abominations, Aldred saw no way of winning.

But did that mean Aldred was going to give up? To give into the Demon that had tried to take his life countless times in the long time Aldred had been alive? To abandon Failure's, the man who saved his life and basically raised him, goal of revenge?

Hell no.

A desparate idea clawed it's way into Aldred's mind. It was worth a shot, but he did not see it working.


The word escaped Aldred's snout quickly, but he did not aim it at his bleeding stump or the area around him.

No, he aimed it at the Demon's axe.

His plan was simple, restore the full moon weapon to before it was actually a full moon weapon.

It didn't work.

The axe somehow just ignored what Aldred said, remaining completely the same.

This was not the first time Aldred had seen an abomination in the form of a weapon. He had seen many in fact, but majority had been quarter moon abominations.

But there was something vastly different about the Demon's weapon.

For starters, the weapon wasn't the actual abomination, it was whatever was inside the Demon's chest that had fused with it.

But whatever fused with the axe was a strange, unseen type of abomination.

Aldred could tell from the way the axe managed to ignore his command that the axe and full moon abomination were now one, meaning he wouldn't be able to separate them no matter what.

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