A huge douche (21)

34 2 0

A week passed without... too much trouble. Saying that was probably an understatement. There was that time with the giant level 25 bear that had wings. They they barely got out of alive by having Kai act as bait, and the other time they fell into a hole and had to spend a whole day climbing out. At least throughout everything that happened, Kai managed to reach level 11, he saved the 21 stat points he got though.

The entire week was not unproductive though, Kai found out many things about his abilities. Mana regeneration works at a rate of 5% of someones max Mana regenerated every hour naturally while HP regenerates at 3% of their max HP per hour. Also that after Kai uses Grace of The Ever-changing with Umbra, Umbra still has all of her Mana remeaning even if Kai runs out.

Another thing about the forest is that either it has healing powers or there is some time bending going on. Sofia's arm, which should've taken weeks to even be moved properly, is now nearly fully healed. She can move it fine, but it wouldn't be used in a fight any time soon though.

Even Kai could walk properly now, the two stab wounds now nowhere to be seen on his legs, intact, his legs looked better than ever now.

Currently, the group of four is wandering through the forest with Umbra acting as their leader, the moon wolf mentioned a few days ago that her clan could probably shelter them for a while.

While hoping a pack of wolves would shelter you might not seem like the brightest of ideas. It's all they've got. The fact that they haven't met a single other person since... Rashik, indicated that the forest is absolutely massive.

After what seemed like an eternity, the view in front of them slightly changes. What was previously just dark trees everywhere is now... dark trees everywhere with trenches in the ground.

After sniffing at the trenches for a few moments, Umbra's tail wags. Kai uses Telepathy and speaks to the moon wolf.

"Is this the right place? A wolf den doesn't seem like the type of place to have trenches.

Umbra's tail continues to wag as she trots forward, further into the trench filled area of the forest.

"Mhm, Umbra never been here before tho, me grow up in sub territory. Us wolves have many different homes, but this is the main home. Me not know what the trenches are for though.

Following behind the moon wolf, Kai is right behind Umbra, closely followed by Sofia and Noelle. Actually, they don't make it that far as a group of wolves who look just like Umbra come out all around them, snarling.

Umbra responds with... a whimper? Frowning, Kai turns to look at what his familiar is and spots a wolf, only this one much bigger than the others. It also has a... quater moon in its third eye.

Shit... Kai inwardly curses as he watches Noelle and Sofia pull out their weapons respectively. Noelle's scimitar seems to thrive in the darkness, an ethereal shine glinting off the sharp blade. On the other hand, Sofia pulls out a sword, not too long but not too short, it's as if the weapon was made to fit her perfectly...

Fit her perfectly...

Scowling, Kai takes out his one dagger and tries his hardest to look intimidating. Quickly, he speaks to Umbra through the connection.

"Umbra, any chance you can calm down your Buddies here?"

"Wa'rak no like Umbra, Wa'rak no like any outer wolves. He thinks that we are lesser, he attacks us and makes us fight each other. Wa'rak bad..."

Swallowing, Kai re-adjusts his fingers around the hilt of his dagger, being extremely careful not to drop it lest he embarres himself... which happened more than he would like to admit in the last week.

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