Who's a good... dog? (10)

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And just as Kai managed to turn himself fully, the wolf snarled and charged... straight at him.

Nonchalance kicked in, allowing Kai to keep calm, but sadly... the skill wasn't completely effective. It was to be expected after all, any uncommon skill would not be able to make a beginner keep calm in a life or death situation.

But it did help though, it allowed Kai enough clarity to dodge to the side in time, just enough to not get his head ripped off by the pitch black wolf.

After noticing that their prey eluded it, the wolf turns itself back towards Kai. Expecting to have another easy meal in its jaws, the wolf saw Kai, who was... currently making a break for Noelle.

Two is better than one... Two is better than one.... It's definitely not cowardly if its smart!

After running faster than he ever had in his seventeen years of life, Kai reached Noelle. The olive-skinned woman already had her scimitar out and was in a defensive position.

Quickly turning to face the wolf with a cocky grin, Kai saw... two... two wolves...

If one terrying wolf that looks like it just came from an endless abyss wasn't enough, how about two?

Kai quickly activated Lesser identify, seeing one wolf was level nine and that the other was level twelve.

Gulping as he held his dagger in his shaky grasp, Kai got an idea. Activating his Telepathy skill, Kai spoke directly into Noelle's mind and said:

"I have a way to maybe weaken them, but you would have to be the one to attack them..."

Noelle flinched slightly at the sudden voice in her head. Honestly, Kai couldn't understand why she was so jumpy at voices in her head, they've had the other one for god only knows how long.

"Fine, but do it quick" Noelle answered. Somehow, even the voice inside her head sounded as if there was no emotion.

Kai exhaled slowly, then activated the other attribute of Will of the Kaiser

Will of the Kaiser: Impose your will onto other sentient beings below your level or up to 5 levels above you depending on your luck stat. No one should be able to disobey your commands, not even your enemies...

"Bow" is the only word that escaped Kai's mouth before Noelle dashed forward. Only the level nine wolf ends up with their snout pushed into the ground. Their legs shook as they tried to resist the command.

The level twelve wolf on the other hand, shrugged off the command. Kai's luck stat must not be high enough for him to command it.

Noelle clashed with the level twelve wolf. Dodging, stabbing, clawing, snarling... you can't even tell who is wolf and who is woman...Well, maybe the wolf is female as well.

While the intense fight happened, Kai sneaked around to the wolf his ability worked on. The terrifying creature was still struggling to resist his command. As Kai approached, the wolf tried to snarl, but it's snout is too far into the dirt so all it does is push some dirt away.

"Uh...who's a good doggy?" Kai said in a... slightly scared tone, to which to wolf responded with another snarl.

Kai coupd already tell that the Bow command was wearing off, the wolf's head was slowly rising higher and higher.

Kai was hesitating. With his dagger in his hand, he could probably easily just... end the wolf's life.

The terrifying beast kept growling at him, Kai should be absolutely terrified. But the sight was just... sad. Wolves had to hunt, it's only that they made a bad choice on who to prey on. Just as Kai was about to stab the wolf in the head, he got an idea that would save him any future guilt or trauma.

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