The A-team (37)

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The time had come, the team was assembled, everyone was ready and Kai was getting ready to give a speech to everyone as he was the only one who knew what was truly happening in this detestable forest.

At least, that's what he would've liked to have done, he had the whole plan in his head, but that went down the drain almost instantly.

Having gathered everyone in Failure's cabin, which was empty due to the charismatic man being out doing something probably essential to their wellbeing in the war, Kai watches as everyone distances themselves from each other. Umbra was the only one who would rotate between each person so she could get pet.

There was an extra person in the cabin along with the original four though. Sitting in one of the armchairs was a burly man, about six foot three and had short, black hair. His muscles couldn't be hid by the fabric of his gray bodysuit, instead the soft cloth seemed to only make them pop out even more.

"Everyone, this is John. John, this is Noelle, Sofia and you already know Umbra."

Kai points out everyone to the man, who seems to be having time of his life sitting in the cozy armchair beside the fire.

I was the same when I first got here...

"Nice to meet you all." John smiles as he gives a small wave. Noelle frowns slightly and turns towards Kai.

"Are you sure about this?"

Kai nods.

"John's a good guy, and he has a daughter whom he wants to see. If this were a movie, you would obviously want the guy who wants to see his child in your team, they would probably be the most driven in the group... After you of course."

Kai catches his error and corrects it. Noelle has a goal so extreme that this is the only time she hasnt been training, fighting or sleeping since their arrival in the Dome. Kai couldn't even begin to fathom what the hell Rashik had done to piss her off, but he's just thankful he isn't the ire of Noelle's wrath.

Noelle's frown lessens but she still doesn't seem convinced. Sofia moves a strand of hair out of her face and speaks.

"I agree, the father is always the one with the strongest will, just look at Taken, Liam Neeson did great in that. Also, Noelle is sceptical as she hasn't really seen a lot of movies."

The olive skinned woman glares slightly at Sofia, but then looks down at the wooden floor of the cabin and mumbles something under her breath.

Since Kai is the glue that held this rag tag group together, it's obvious he should be the one to get the conversation started.

Damn it...

"Alright then, if we are going to be a team and hopefully not die in the next week, we should get to know each other better so we can work together. Now, how about we share what our innate abilities do, everyone here has one after all. Noelle, you go first."


"Okay then! John, you're up." Kai claps his hands, hiding his exasperation well. Honestly, making this a team which can function well will be harder than anything he's ever done before.

John sits up straight, a hint of nervousness in his expression.

"Well, it just says that whenever I stay standing after being hit, the next time I get hit it will impact me less, and that it can stack up to twenty times. Oh, and I have to get hit at least once every five minutes otherwise it resets."

Damn, that seems pretty strong, but how strong is the effect though? Would it be miniscule or would he be unmovable if he reaches twenty stacks?

"Alright, thank you John, even though its a one aspect innate ability it still sounds powerful.

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