Canoeing Chaos

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TW// physical bullying and self-harm (biting.)

"I'm okay, just tired. Maybe we can talk later."

Skeppy decided to leave him alone. Hoping he would say what was actually bothering him on his own time. "Okay, sure. Let's go to breakfast. We can sit with Tina if you and her are still cool."

"Why wouldn't we be?"

"Oh..." Skeppy shrugged. "I don't know, seems like there's tension with your friends."

"It's with Foolish. Me and Tina are still cool. Valerie probably still likes me too. It's really just Foolish..."

"Okay so let's go sit with your friends...and hey can we invite Étoiles?"

"Sure, why not?"

Bad and Skeppy got ready and headed out.

"Hey, Étoiles." Skeppy got his attention. "Come sit with me and Bad for breakfast."

"Oh, really?" Étoiles was about to head out too.

"Yeah, come on!" Bad gestured.

"Even though I'm French?"

"Especially because you're French." Skeppy said sarcastically. "Now hurry up before we change our mind."

"Oh yes, sir. I would not want to miss a chance to dine with the Americans." Étoiles rolled his eyes and followed the other boys to the cafeteria.

Although when they got to the table, Étoiles yelped, "we eat with her?!" He pointed to Tina.

"Yeah, this is Tina. Do you know her?" Bad sat down.

"Will it be okay Mrs. Tina if I'd sit here?" Étoiles asked in a condescending tone. "I know you wish not to share your laundry with the French but perhaps I can share this table with you?"

Tina groaned. "Oh be quiet. I was saving that washing machine for Bad."

"I know, I know. You hate French people. It's fine." Étoiles sat down.

"I don't hate French people." Tina didn't seem to have the energy to argue, her attention was elsewhere. She was watching Foolish and Valerie. They were sitting off by themselves, talking in whispers.

"Hey..." Skeppy nudged Étoiles. "Can you say croissant?"

"Can you say 'I am a fucking idiot'?"

Bad laughed before he could stop it. "Oh my gosh! Language, be nice to Skeppy."

Étoiles scoffed. "All I am to you people is croissants and– and what? Baguettes?"

Bad and Skeppy looked at each other, trying so hard not to laugh.

"What is so funny about croissants and baguettes?!" Étoiles throw his arms around in frustration.

Skeppy giggled, "Quasooo"

Bad covered his mouth and hit Skeppy's arm to get him to stop teasing Étoiles. Mostly because he was having a hard time not laughing. Étoiles never took anything to the heart, but he always acted like he did. That's what made it so funny.

"Today is the day I finally drown myself..." Étoiles sighed.

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"Worst day of my life." Étoiles declared when he was assigned a canoe with Tina. "She is so particular with laundry. What will she be like with a canoe?"

"Oh shut up, scumbag." Tina put her hands on her hips. "I know what I'm doing. You're lucky you aren't assigned Bad. He gets sick on the water."

"I don't know, I'm feeling pretty lucky." Skeppy wrapped an arm around Bad, his canoe partner.

Summer Flings {Skephalo Summer Camp AU} CompletedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora