Missing Person

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Roier sat down at his desk, scribbling a frantic apology letter. While using the romance in the room as motivation.

Bad and Skeppy acted like Roier wasn't even there. They were making the most of the end of summer.

"You're really handsome, you know that, right?" Bad brushed a hand through Skeppy's hair.

"I know it, you keep telling me~" Skeppy kissed Bad's cheek. "You're hot, do you know that?"

"You keep telling me." Bad giggled.

"But do you know it?"

Bad shrugged. "I don't see it like you, but thank you."

"You're so hot." Skeppy cupped Bad's face. "I didn't know long hair was my thing, but it is. I love it. Especially when you get out of the shower and it's all fluffy and smells like shampoo."

"Oh?" Bad blushed. "You really like it?"

"It's my favorite physical feature." Skeppy played with a strand of Bad's hair. Pulling a piece over his lip to make a mustache. "Would I look good with a mustache?"

Bad pulled his hair back. "give me that." He laughed, throwing an arm over Skeppy. "You're too cute to be true...I can't believe I have you."

"What can I say? I'm your blessing." Skeppy giggled and cuddled into Bad with a little sigh. "I don't understand why I love you so much...but I do. I just can't get enough of you."

Bad tried to squeeze the cuteness out of him but it didn't work. "Stop being so precious. I already miss you and I'm not gone home yet."

"Heh, I'm just naturally like this~"

Bad smooshed Skeppy's face with one hand and kissed his lips. "God, if my parents are right. Hell is worth it."

Skeppy's fluffy mood soured. "what?" He laughed stiffly. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, nothing..." Bad stopped, suddenly aware that Roier was still in the room even if he were distracted.

Skeppy put his head against Bad's shoulder, thinking quietly.
I never even stopped to ask him about his parents. I know mine will be okay once they get used to it...but will he get in trouble for loving me?

Roier stood up and walked to the door. "I'm going to be back in a minute, just to get Cellbit...so..." Roier gave a lighthearted smirk. "Don't do anything you wouldn't want me to see."

"Oh, shush!" Bad hissed.

"I'm going to make out with Bad just to spite you." Skeppy teased.

Roier rolled his eyes and left the cabin.

Skeppy hummed and pulled the blankets up over his shoulders. "Can I sleep here tonight?"

"You don't have to ask anymore, Geppy."

Skeppy yawned and laughed sleepily. "Why do you call me 'geppy' sometimes?"

"I don't know? I just do." Bad caught Skeppy's yawn.

"Why don't you call me something else?"

"Like what?"

"Well you know couples usually use terms of endearment." Skeppy felt like he was asking for entirely too much. "Sorry– I guess it's not really the sort of thing you're supposed to ask for. It's supposed to just happen."

"You want to be called something romantic?" Bad grinned and started massaging his hand through Skeppy's soft clean hair.

"Well...I mean...I'm in love with whatever you want to call me but...I think it would be nice to get a special name from you." Skeppy closed his eyes and pressed against the touch.

"That makes sense. I'm sorry I haven't done anything like that for you, I'm new to all this." Bad picked up one of Skeppy's hands and kissed it. "I'll do better, darling."

Skeppy stopped breathing.
I've reached the limits of happiness. Just take me now, death.


On the way to the lake, Roier passed Valerie and Étoiles whispering on the trail.

"Excuse me, just looking for Cellbit. Did you see him this way?"

They both tensed but Valerie spoke. "No, I'm not sure. I heard footsteps earlier, could've been him."

"Thank you." Roier nodded and left quickly, letting Étoiles and Valerie work out their own issues.

When Roier got to the lake he used his phone light to find the shadow of his boyfriend. Although it didn't take many steps for him to realize it wasn't his boyfriend.

"Ay, sorry!" Roier was startled. "I am looking for someone that is not you!"

The other person was startled too. "Jeez man, you shined that thing right in my eyes!"

"Yes sorry, have you seen someone here? Cellbit, you know him. Brown hair, white streak."

"Uh...no, I haven't noticed him down here..." She shrugged. "I just came here to think, get some of the nighttime anxiety out, you know."

"Yes Cellbit like late walks too, it's when he likes to think the best..." Roier shined the light around, getting a little worried. "He's is usually here when he's stressed."

"Oh, yeah?" She cleared her throat. "Is he...lost?"

"No." Roier shined the light through the trees. "Uh...I know he was walking around somewhere, he got mad with me."

"Damn. I'm sure he'll be back when he calms down...what did you do?"

"Hum, well..." Roier decided he didn't need to tell her nothing. He didn't even know her. "Relationship stuff...you know, I don't know you. I know I see you sometimes but I have no name for your face...pardon, who are you?"

She was used to it. "I get it, I'm not a big people person. I'm Jaiden."

"Ah, I see..." Roier looked around. "Well I have a person to find. If you do see, please tell him I am worried and looking for him."

"Yeah, of course...do you need help looking? There's not many sneaky places to hide here. We should spilt and find him in like ten minutes tops."

"Ah...please, yes." Roier started to worry both for the safety of Cellbit and the safety of anyone if they tried to console him right now. "Just...if you find, be gentle. He's in a fragile mind. He's defensive. Just say you are my friend, and I am looking and I am sorry."

"I get ya, don't worry." Jaiden turned her phone's flashlight all the way up. "Let's find him."


That morning everyone was gathered in the cafeteria and told the bad news. Due to a missing person, they would spend the day searching. Camp was due to end early, for everyone. If he wasn't found fast, and safe.

Summer Flings {Skephalo Summer Camp AU} CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now