Falling Fast

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The next morning everyone slept in for an extra hour. By the time Bad got out of Skeppy's bed, he smelt like his lemony cologne.

"Good morning." Roier didn't pretend he didn't notice. "Did you two sleep good?"

"Mmm, I don't want to get up." Skeppy rubbed his eyes.

"Me neither." Bad yawned. "Roier, how are you awake?"

"Cellbit woke me like 30 minutes ago."

"Oh...where is he?"

"He went to the nurse."

"Oh okay..." Bad didn't need to ask why, he could speculate. "Where's Étoiles?"


"The shower is a good idea...Skeppy do you want to shower first?"

"Mmm no."

"You gotta shower, you stink." Bad teased. Even though Skeppy didn't smell that terrible. His cologne was strong enough to mask the sweaty smell. "You smell like an expired lemon."

Roier laughed out loud, shamelessly. He didn't say anything when Bad and Skeppy looked at him.

"Fine, I'll shower first." Bad grabbed his bag and headed into the bathroom.

Skeppy yawned and rubbed his eyes. "Whatcha doing, Roier?"

Roier was sitting at a desk, writing. "Writing a letter for Cellbit."

"Who writes letters? And to someone they are physically with?"

Roier just smiled. "Cellbit likes gentle things."

"Right..." Skeppy saw Cellbit as strange and distant. Not necessarily gentle. "What kinds of things do you write?"

Roier hummed. "These letters are for us only, sorry."

"I thought he was asexual?"

Roier gave Skeppy a weird look. "yes? Intimacy is not only sexual, pendejo."

"Yeah, I know..." Skeppy rubbed his face. "God, I'm so tired. My body hurts."


"Oi, Tina. Could I sit here with you?" Bagi causally stopped at their table.

"Oh yeah, of course!" Tina moved over, forcing Étoiles out of the way as well.

"Ah! Excuse me, French man is sitting here!" Étoiles complained.

Bagi took a seat. "I'm sorry, sorry." She laughed. "Tina, you look really pretty today!"

Tina brushed a hand through her hair, blushing pink. "You think so? I'm really tired."

"The tired look is good on you then." Bagi looked around the table. She said a quick hello to Skeppy, Bad and Étoiles before turning her attention back to Tina.

Skeppy pushed his food around. "Fruit salad is meh on a good day...but this fruit looks...diseased."

"The fruit looks like me, severely depressed." Étoiles agreed.

"Tastes gross too." Bad said, chewing a mooshy strawberry.

"I want Doritos." Skeppy sighed.

"Do you want me to go get you some?" Tina offered, overhearing Skeppy's complaints.

"No, it's okay." Skeppy nudged Bad.

Summer Flings {Skephalo Summer Camp AU} CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now