25. A Fate bonding time

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"I have no absolutely no interest in dating you " Fort started on his way back

" Do I look interested? But Pro demands it. And maybe she is right. Maybe one day for a change we can be normal people and talk. It's not a date.. Just a Fate bonding time." I shrugged

He didn't respond. But nodded.

" Remember what I said. I am doing my best to save you both from the authorities .Don't put my and your head on the chopping board now."

" Will try my best but no guarantee" Fort casually stated

Pro rolled her eyes and waved her hand. My eyes closed and I felt my body lighten as the soft fabric of my bed touched my head.

My eyes flung open. Fort.

He was sitting on the bean bag fiddling with my PS3.

" Technology is really a barrier between communication" I grumbled shaking my head and yawning.

" Good morning to you to my fellow date" He grumbled.

I rolled my eyes and groggily walked to my bathroom. How is it that I travel all the way to some fantasy land and still have a good sleep? My hair was shabby and tangled like a pigeon nest minus the shit.

I brushed my teeth and splashed warm water on my face. The water helped to revive my realization skills.
Fort and I are supposed to go on a date.. Well not exactly a date but going somewhere without fighting or revenge plots is going to be special. Well that is if he is ready to act decent for once which I highly doubt.

" Where are we going?" He asked as I combed my hair.

" You are the guy! you decide "

" Which rule book says the guy decides the date place and to be fair I am an angel"

I frowned at his lame humor. Where should we go on a date?I thought for a while when it struck me.

" Get ready I know where to go" I announced.

" Really I am going to ruin my Sunday with you!"

" Shut up! I am the reason you have a Sunday"

" That I would agree too"

I sent him out of the room as I changed and bathed. I didn't want any encounters with him.The last time I was bathing with Fort around I ended up on the bed with Fort.

It's not a date date but I should dress decently.
I pulled on a black vest and skinny black jeans with a printed patterned shrug. I didn't plan on a fancy restaurant or something. It was the place where I liked to go when I felt lonely or hopeless.
I can't believe I am taking Fort there. But I bet he knows that place afterall he knows a lot about me.

" Get the car out! " I demanded as I laced up my combat boots.

" I am not the Only one who should be kind you can't demand me like this"

" Remember the date hasn't started" I got up from the couch but I tripped om the carpet edge and fell right on my face.

" OUCH! Fort!"

" The date hasn't started yet " He winked as he walked out.

Yeah I am looking forward to this.

Fight. The entire car ride we fought about which song we 'll play. We basically did what we were forbidden to do.

" I want The Fray!" I said angrily plugging on the song.

" Shut this crap! It's my car and guess what I want... Peace!Which means I want to listen to Get Scared"

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