37. His memories

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" Where is my ring" Fort asked as I arranged the pillows and mattress. I gulped trying to act natural.

" Your black jade ring?" I asked

" Yeah" He was frantically disheveling the bed to find his ring.

" Probably slipped out while you were pillow fighting.."

" Gosh I need to find it! It's important! "

" Relax! Fort! Calm down... It's somewhere in the bed search for it while I take a nice bath."

He nodded still looking for the ring. His eyes were wild and full of concern but I couldn't give it back without knowing what it contained.

I slammed the bathroom door shut and pulled out the ring from my pocket. I wanted to learn more about him.

I slipped the ring back om my finger and! Twirled it as darkness consumed me.

The view went back to the same tower. It was dark as always. Fort had grown up. He was pacing here and there in frustration.

" Dad.. He is a jerk! He lied to me! He imprisoned me to rot here! I can't take this darkness!! I hate dark! Mommy never kept me in Dark! If only there was another way out of here! "

He was muttering helplessly. He took strides towards the door and screamed and yelled banging the door.

" Get me out of here" He screamed pounding his knuckles against the door. His raw yells and pleads were so desperate I felt weak.

" Get this fucking... " He banged and kicked yhe door furiously

" LET ME OUT!!" He screamed pulling his hair fisting them as he fell on his knees.

" 97 goddamned years!!! I can't stay here... Any long..." He sobbed burying his face in his palms. For a moment I ccouldn't take it. I wanted to reach out for him. But then this all was all vision that had already happened.

He wiped off his tears and got up trembling slightly. The small window on the top of the wall was glittering with sunlight. He placed his hand on sharp brick of the wall. He placed his foot on the ledge of a brick protruding out and pulled himself up gripping another brick for support. He repeated the procedure and climbed up till the top. For some reason I felt I was rising with him. I looked out through the little window and gasped. So did Fort.

It was paradise.

Huge expanse of rolling meadows over clouds. The entire expanse was shrouded with clouds but I could make out fountains and bridges with small streams snaking its way. Tall trees with golden leaves and orchids if silver's. Heaven.

It was literally heaven.

" Were have they kept me" His voice was gruff. We were on the top of a long tower of a luxurious palace. The palace encircled around the meadows and the lawns.It was herculeun and vast with white paint and intricate artwork om the wall. The soothing flow of water made the claustrophobic aura of the dark room more cheerful.

"Mommy.. She must be out there.. but why won't they let me go? I need to get out. I want to play in these lawns. I don't want to stay here. I want to breath. I WANT TO LIVE " He screamed as tears trickled down his cheeks. His foot slipped as he crashed on th ground.

" Aagh" He groaned. He looked im dismay as a few of his black feathers plucked out.

" The window is too narrow to escape..."

Living With My Fate ✔(#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now