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Have you had this feeling that you are living a life and all of a sudden you wake up with a hollow gap in your memory.

I did.

Something about today was making my heart pang. I felt incomplete, something just didn't feel right. I tried shrugged the feeling away.

I just dont know what is missing? I felt a wierd sensation of grief, like I had been crying last night, but no reason for it.

I took a warm shower as I tried to remove the wierd itch in my mind. If my mind were a pizza I felt pretty sure on of the cheesy slice was missing. Maybe I was in a bad mood... Or maybe it's period cramps.

Now that would explain it.

Everything seemed incomplete. As if I was on the black and white side of umiverse missing the colours.

I combed my hair staring blankly at the mirror. What was wrong with me? I ran my fingers through my hair and my face subconsciously to see of something has changed but no.

My phone vibrated all of a sudden. I picked it up and grinned at Cara's crude message

Cara: Ready asshole? Get out I am waiting.

Currently she was my drive to school, she encouraged me to try for my drivers license once again and for some reason I felt confident I'll get it. I mean I tried four times, if I don't get this time I am a total dumbass.

I laughed. I am so glad Cara and I worked out our differences. It feels great to have her back. I couldn't believe Ryan would be a cause of such drama

Cara was over him. It was silly having fights over guys but that's the big high school drama movies talk about and what's fun in life without drama.

Ryan was a great friend now that he wasnt trying to have sex with me all the time. But some feelings never die. Maybe I still like him maybe it's just the imprints of the previous attraction, we'll never know.

I grabbed my bagpack and assignments and rushed down. Mom has left early. She had a surgery due early and a lot of appointments. I recalled the accident I was in recently. That Driver was treated by my mom and was doing pretty well and I successfully moved out if the way before the car crashed onto me. Thank my luck!

Recently I have been lucky in many cases. My luck was finally looking up.

" Hi biatch. Get in quick we have to reach before Christmas" Cara hollered honking her horn

" Christmas is gone honey" I remarked getting in the shotgun.

" Yeah am talking about next Christmas "

She started her ignition and with a jerk the car roared to life. I sometimes wonder how did Cara get her driver's license because her driving is a danger to human species. She was rowdy as hell believe me it's from the experience of a person sitting next to her when she's driving.

" Cara, I want to be alive by the time I reach so yeah can you drive any Faster!" I yelled

She just laughed tipping her head back and letting her hair fly with the wind.

" Feel the rush baby! "

" There is a speed limit! Please don't kill me" I clutched the seat tightly as she drove furiously through the road.

I finally was relieved when she parked her car at the school parking.

" Oh by the way Denis is taking me to movies tonight maybe you would like to come?" Cara asked as we walked into the school

Living With My Fate ✔(#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now