Pareece in Paris

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"OMAGOSH, look at all the cute little Eiffel Tower figurines!" Penny squealed, standing beside her older sister.

Pareece and Penny could not be more different. Unlike Penny, Pareece didn't even want to come to Europe, nonetheless the city of love.

Preppy, popular and perky, Penny was a blue-eyed petite little blonde who was captain of the cheerleading team. She got straight A's and was every teacher's favorite, president of the student committee, and extremely pretty for a 17 year old who was supposed to be going through the awkward stage.

Pareece, as said before, was the complete opposite of her younger sister with a year's age difference between them. Crazy-curly ginger hair, piercing green eyes, and a fiery attitude with a touch of sass on the side. She was unpopular, only got B's, couldn't ever make the cheerleading team, and she was fine with that. She was always ok with letting her younger sister shine.


When she's forced to tag along with her sister on a trip to Paris, she might just find more than just an annoying little sister. She might just find something a little like...


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