Ward 24601 | Arkham Asylum

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Loud footsteps echoed through the hallways of the large, but sinister institution. Wearily, Sabier shined his torchlight about, jumping at every little noise.

One couldn't blame him, for he was patrolling the wards of the infamous, Arkham Asylum. Especially the block deepest inside the institution, the very one that none of guards wanted to patrol.

Especially at night.

Right as he rounded a corner, his wristwatch beeped, making Sabier jump in fright. Clutching his chest, he heaved slightly, muttering to himself about 'pulling it together'.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became even more chilling as he recognized the corridor he had now entered.

Taking softer and more cautious steps, Sabier gulped nervously. Beads of cold sweat dripped down his forehead, though the area was chilling to the very core. Holding his flashlight out, he felt as if the light might act as a barrier should anything attack him.

His wristwatch beeped once more, signaling it was now 12 midnight. Dread filled the pits of his stomach and he let out a string of curses. Suddenly, a voice made him let out a noise of surprise, one that wasn't very manly.

"Make that watch shut the f*ck up, will you?"

Tracing the voice to one unmistakeable ward, Sabier internally groaned.

It was ward 24601.

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