Someday isn't Always | g.m.w. (AU)

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This is a Girl Meets World AU fanfiction. This is after Season 3 Episode 9 (Ski Lodge Part 2).


The tan, golden skin of the new girl shimmered with a natural bronze as she trailed down the hallways, extremely lost. Her grey eyes held hope and love for all, she watched as a group of 6 friends walked into their class. Their eyes held love.

All of them had love radiating off of them like waves. And she longed to be a part of them. But she was different, she was new, and she wasn't sure if they would like her. It was obvious who were the 2 couples in the group.

But it was more obvious to her who were the closest.

Her gold, bronze and silver bangles jingled as she closed her locker, the little bells and trinkets on her anklets chimed as she took steady steps to the class the friends just walked into.

She knew she looked out of place, in fact, she felt it. Her Bahamian nature didn't suit well here, but it was what made her, her.

Natural long and extremely curly chestnut hair cascaded in waves down her waist, swaying form side to side as she walked in her brown gladiator sandals. Her floral peasant dress matched her flower crown, a leather messenger bag hung off her shoulders.

It was no question she was beautifully different.

But it was a question of her uncertain future.

Friends or foes?

Love & Friendship.

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