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Put me back together, like pieces of a puzzle. I have faith in you.

Hope seems lost and any future seems bleak when Arielle Dawson is found dead, in her room, with nothing but a crimson pool surrounding her, and scarlet lines decorating her wrist.

Everyone around her can't help but be affected. She was a ray of sunshine and goodness, even the meanest people liked her.

So you can see why it came as shock to everyone that she committed suicide.

But there's one person who blames it all on themselves, thinking over and over again that they could have done something. But really, there was nothing they could've said or done.

That one person is no one other than Arielle's twin sister and best friend in the whole wide world, Adrien Dawson.

Arielle was Adrien's other half, her partner in crime, her thunder-buddy; and honestly, even her soulmate.

The two couldn't bear to be apart.

Which is why Adrien needs to find a little piece of herself, that Arielle had taken along with her when she left.

But can a special someone help her find that missing puzzle piece? A little someone called, [Insert name here]?

I left the ending name empty so you guys can play around with this one story. I don't want to build my stories around a stereotypical, homophobic structure. So in lieu of that, I made this one story a little sexually ambiguous.

But I would just like everyone to know, that you can even do that to all my other stories! You can change up the gender roles a little even, it's all up to you!

Please don't be afraid to let your beautiful creativity show through, let every bit of that light shine!

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