Portia I...

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Portia Greene, the ever popular dancer. Brown hair, blue eyes, every guy's dream. Except...

Add her two big brothers Pierce and Pedro Greene into the equation, she's never had a boyfriend.

They scared away every guy and talked her out of every date, they were protective of their little sister, yeah. But maybe a little too much.

As she's preparing to move overseas to study, the two brother's try to talk her out of it. After all, they couldn't protect her if she was an ocean away. But Portia was so set on the idea that the brothers were sure they had to move with her.

At the airport, she was met by a shy nerdy guy with blonde hair and glasses. He held a bouquet in his arms and stood there waiting for her, she accepted the gift kindly and attempted to make conversation with him. But... He wasn't to good at keeping up a conversation with Portia Greene.

So, he mustered up his courage and said, "Portia... I-"

Unfortunately, the little guy was intercepted by Pedro and Pierce.

"Ok, sis lets get going now. Bye bud." Pedro said in the clipped tone, ushering Portia away from Drew Francis.

Curious and a little upset, Portia moved away from the country, always wondering what he had to say.

So curious, she might just have to take a road-trip back home to find out.

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