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"All I ask is 6 months, pretend for 6 months, and you'll be rich."

Smoldering blue eyes pierced into her soul, dissecting every thought and emotion that swirled through Gemini's mind.

All she had to do was put up with Owen Rickard for 6 months and she'd be a million dollars richer. I mean, what was there to lose really, a handsome and charming business mogul presents you with an opportunity to make a little money and get a little fame.

She would get so much and more, and all she had to do, was pretend to be Mrs Owen Rickard.

But you see...

Life is never that simple.

And these 6 months might come and go quickly and soon Gemini Lawson would be rich and famous.

Or these 6 months might go quite wrong.

So wrong that she might find a little something at the end...

Something called...


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