Ludicrous | h.s. AU

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"HELP ME! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!" Hailey shrieked through the small opening in the window, hot tears streaming down her face. 

Just then, the door dreaked and the lock jingled. Cursing, Hailey hopped away from the window. Sprinting to the dirty mattress on the floor, she curled up into a ball and faced the wall. 

"Holly? I brought you a gift." His voice spoke, deep and husky. 

Terrified, Hailey whimpered, daring to correct him, "My name is not Holly, it's Hailey." 

Rage clouded his emerald irises and he clenched his fists, gritting his teeth and glaring holes  through Hailey's back. He threw the box at her, stomping up and yelling straight at her.

"YOU ARE HOLLY! HOLLY! HOLLY! HAILEY NEVER EXISTED, AND SHE NEVER WILL!" His voice was rough and worn out, but his accent was as clear as day. 


The night was cold and dark, as the snow drifted down onto the sidewalk, Hailey shivered and pulled her coat tighter around her frame. 


Jumping, Hailey looked up to find a tall young man, probably in his early twenties, staring straight as her.

"Sorry, I-I think you've got the wrong person." Hailey spoke, still shivering. 

"No. No, I haven't" And with that, he lunged at her. 

All she saw was black. 

When she woke up, she was in a cellar, with no way out. He thought she was Holly, and got angry when she said she wasn't. 

When she was let out of the cellar, she was locked in a house. As she slowly lost hope of escape, she also struggled with newfound feelings for captor. Feelings that seemed ludicrous. 

As she fell for the brunette with beautiful green eyes, he fell back, with a girl who wasn't who he thought she was. 

When the real Holly turns up, old feelings arise, police catch a scent and hearts are broken. 

What will become of Harry and Hailey now?

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