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Since creating a visualization of my stories is easier with familiar faces. I decided to choose Alex Pettyfer as Aaron and Chris Evans as Amir.  When it comes though to the two Zainabs, it would be in whoever, whatever form. So every female pics I post of them shall only be to aid our visual imagery for this story. 

This chapter is dedicated to MarieGonzales7 for her support of my works. Thanks much! 

 Thanks much! 

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5. The Stalker's Proposal

Aaron's POV

Drinking my ordered cold coffee inside my car, I patiently waited for her to arrive. I look at the time in my wristwatch and it says 7:10 am. I yawned and began to remember Amir's late night call. I felt the fear again. I am threatened by him. And I hate this feeling because he is my best friend. The last thing I wanted was to make him my rival. But a wave of jealousy washed over me.

Why did Amir get to meet her in person? From what I've heard, it seems like she cares for him somehow or else he wouldn't meet her, since it was just a mistaken identity. I have never properly introduced myself to Zainab. So knowing that my best friend have officially met her first before me is devastating.

Aargh! It's my fault though, why can't I just get the courage to visit her at her house and ask her hand in marriage. Way too fast? Of course not. I have been wanting her, ever since the day I first saw her.



Four months ago

Mom had asked me to buy Dr. Aid al – Qarni's book called You Could Be The Happiest Woman in the World. It was a great book according to her but it had limited copies sold in our city.

So there I was looking from one bookstore to the next. Finally, I'm on the seventh attempt to the last bookstore. As I entered the shop, I greeted salam which none responded except a lady who answered me very timidly. I stared at her and to my dismay; she was already holding the book I was looking for. Behind her was an empty shelf.

I approached the person in charge who was like an old aunty.

"Excuse me, but do you have another copy of Dr. Aid – Al Qarni's Book, Happiest Woman in the World?"

"We only have one more Sir."

The lady holding the book who now seemed to have frozen looked at me then stared at the book longingly.

"Uhm Aunty," she said.

"I'm not taking this book. Perhaps the brother can already have it."

Upon saying that, she smiled at me and left. My eyes followed her until she was at the door. My heart was racing and I wanted to run after her and asked. However, my fear of not being able to buy Mom's book was greater. Feeling grateful to Allah Azza Wajal , I got the book and paid it at the counter.

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