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Thank you so much for your patience for this update. 

20. Her Fragility

Zai's POV

My mind was all in a juggle. I could hardly catch up what Kakah was saying to me on the phone. Explaining to my parents was hard. Explaining to my in – laws were harder and my big brother is not making it any harder at all.

"So tell that Mr. Qamar to tell me the address of his safe house," he said for the nth time.

"Kah Ridzmar, I know you are very worried about me. But this call might be intercepted who knows. So I cannot tell you that. But I can assure you.."

"Let me talk to him," Aaron said.

I handed the phone to him.

Lemuel went to me and I looked away from him. I already hate his presence. My husband should be the one protecting me. My husband should be the one in front of me.

"My security people are on their way here. There'll be two cars in front of us and one car behind us, just to be sure," he said.

I nodded and turned my gaze towards Aaron who after a while came up to me.

"He wants to speak to you," he said, handing me back my phone.

"Okay. I'm allowing this. But promise me one thing?"


"Be safe. I love you my little sister," he uttered.

I couldn't speak like there was a lump on my throat. My eyes welled up in tears. I was scared beyond my wits. And not knowing how this night would end or how tomorrow would be was suffocating.

"I will. Assalamu alaykum," I managed to say softly.

"Wa alaykumusalam," Kah Ridzmar answered.

I couldn't tell him I love him too because I know there'll be many other times for me to tell him that.

"I think we're good to go," Troy announced.

"Troy drive my car. I'll be the one to drive Zai's car," Aaron said in a conclusive tone.

Lemuel wanted to say something but decided against it.

We all got inside our car and Lemuel was at the backseat.

Another explosion sounded behind us, the sound of which almost deafened my ears. Aaron hurriedly fastened my seat belt, surprising me with his speed. He then started the car.

"Drive straight ahead until you reached at the Rodriguez Highway then turned left," Lemuel instructed.

We were driving so fast that I felt dizzy until slept overtook my consciousness.


Amir's POV

The police officer asked me a series of questions again and again. The same questions and I kept on giving him the same answer. I was running out of patience. I was calm, calm as I could keep myself. But knowing my wife might not be safe out there makes me want to punch this man's face so I could escape from this investigation room.

"So your Arab Investors, you have cleared their identification and their franchise two months ago?" he asked again.

"No, I have done that a month ago," I answered impatiently. The officer knew of that but was trying to catch me make a contradictory statement.

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